The name of the person using the company car has been registered, but no new documents on board. Here's what you need to know about the rule in force since November 3.
24/10/2014 – di Redazione – Giornalettismo
CHANGE OF GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE REGISTRATION CARD – The ministry's circular of 10 July concerns article 94, paragraph 4-bis, of the highway code, introduced in 2010 by law 120 (article 12, paragraph 1, letter a). Basically we are dealing with a rule introduced four years ago and which needed a long phase before seeing its application. In detail, the law establishes that the deeds "from which derives a change in the holder of the registration certificate or which involve the availability of the vehicle, for a period exceeding thirty days, in favor of a person other than the holder himself, in the cases envisaged by the regulation are declared by the assignee, within thirty days, to the Department for transport, navigation and information and statistical systems for the purpose of noting them on the registration certificate". Therefore, if a third-party car is used for a period of 30 days, the personal details of the motorist, obviously also indicated on the licence, must also appear on the registration certificate. Unless you want to risk a very high fine, from 705 to 3,526 euros.
COMPANY CARS INVOLVED Furthermore, the rule of the Highway Code does not apply in all cases of transfer of availability. Persons carrying out road haulage activities are exempt. Cases of use by a family member are also excluded. Instead, all professionals who use company cars are involved. In particular, the circular reads, "in the event that the holder of the vehicle registration certificate grants the use of his vehicle to a third party on loan for use, for a period exceeding 30 days, the borrower has the obligation to communicate it to the UMC (office of the Civil Motorization, ed) requesting the updating of the vehicle registration document».
FAMILIES EXEMPT – Instead «the members of the family nucleus are exempt from this obligation, provided they cohabit. Nothing prevents, however, that also in this case the updating of the registration certificate may be requested; in the absence of a specific prohibition, in fact, it is to be considered that the borrower has the right to do so, without prejudice, otherwise, to the inapplicability of the foreseen sanctions». General information means name, surname, date and place of birth and place of residence.
Related news: The name of the person using the company car has been registered, but no new documents on board