Today and tomorrow we return to the pharmacies of the Veneto region to the old recipe paper. It is the consequence of the first 48 hours of strike called by the MG trade unions (Fimmg, Snami, Smi, Intesa sindacale) to protest against the Region's policies on primary care: for two days family doctors will not produce digital prescriptions, a sort of white strike that will be repeated on 26 and 27 September and 10, 11 and 12 October. Then, in the event that the counterparty does not raise the white flag, the studios will be closed on 8-9 November and 13-14 December.
The protest, like Direct line he had already reported in Julyconcerns the non-activation of integrated group medicines (the Venetian Uccp), the non-renewal of the presence of general practitioners in rest homes and residences for the elderly and the assignment of community hospitals to affiliated hospitals.
(AS – Federfarma – 19/09/2017)
Related news: Oltre ogni attesa la partecipazione all’Assemblea Unitaria Intersindacale di sabato 17 settembre
IT Strike: Communication from the Trade Unions of General Medicine in the Veneto region