Veneto, doctors confirm the strike on 8 and 9 November

In Veneto medici di famiglia non mollano, e se nelle prossime ore la Regione non farà passi avanti concreti nella trattativa, passeranno alla chiusura per due giorni degli ambulatori. Da oltre un mese prosegue infatti la protesta limitata al mancato trasferimento dei dati informatici delle ricette, ma la fase due sarà quella della serrata, con ambulatori chiusi intanto l’8 e il 9 novembre, Risultati immagini per sciopero medici di famigliawhile from 13 December it will eventually move to three days a week out of five, then calculating that family doctors already do not receive patients on Saturday and Sunday.

"The Region has taken some steps forward, it has opened up to dialogue with our trade unions, and it is a fact that we appreciate", says Domenico Crisarà, regional general secretary of Fimmg, "but to suspend the protest we need concrete steps, of actual changes. Which? Everyone we've been discussing for weeks. From the IT path to the health file, from the release of integrated group medicines to the green light for all the beds provided in intermediate structures such as community hospitals and hospices.

In our opinion, the will is enough, it is not difficult to implement everything when foreseen over two years ago by the new regional social and health plan". Meanwhile, family doctors collect the support of their own patients, especially those most in need of assistance. "They continue to support and thank us because they have understood that we are protesting for them too," continues Crisarà. "Especially the chronically ill who need home care, and who are the ones who suffer the most from the situation and the lack of adequate local services right now".

Fonte La Nuova in Venice and Mestre

Fimmg – 02/11/2017

Related news: Press release. The closure of the Family Doctors and Continuity of Care (former medical guard) offices for 8 and 9 November has been confirmed

The new strike calendar

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