UCB is currently near its all-time high following a one-year appreciation of the 30%

UCB cotiza actualmente cerca de su máximo histórico tras un año de plusvalía del 30%

Friday, May 2, 2014 

Since the past month of July the actions of the pharmaceutical company have revalued a 55%

The action of UCB currently costs at 59.2 euros, looking for the upper limit of its fluctuación rank of the last year, which at its time has been its maximum historical. Its evolution in this period has been eminently steep, accumulating in these twelve months a plus value of 30 per cent, while comparing with the minimum of the period (marked in July of the past year) its revaluation rises to 55 per cent. Analyzing a broader period of time observed as this value is being dibujando an alcist line from the media of 2009, having more than duplicated its value in the bag in this period.

The last results published by this pharmaceutical group correspond to the first quarter of the current year. Inputs have risen to 840 million euros with an inter-annual increase of 5 per cent (9 per cent deducted from the negative impact of the exchange rate). Detach in this period the good behavior of medicines such as Cimzia, Vimpat and Neupro (for the treatment, among other pathologies, of rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsia and Parkinson's disease respectively), with joint ventures of 318 million euros and an increase interannual of 29 per cent, allowing her more than to compensate for the fall of the vents of one of her star pharmaceuticals, the antiepileptic Keppra, which withdraws a 2 per cent.

Also can be highlighted the dynamism shown by the emerging markets with a growth (with type of constant change) of 11 per cent. However, the negative impact of the uniforms results in a negative final variation of 1 percent. Asimismo, another market with a destacado behavior was the japonés.

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