Trimboli (Femca Cisl Messina): "Protection of scientific whistleblowers"

Milazzo: Stefano Trimboli reconfirmed secretary general Femca Cisl Messina

The Secretary, employee of the Milazzo refinery, declares: "Sustainable work and industry are the keys to the development of the territory"

Stephen Trimboli, 47 years old, employee of the refinery of Milazzo, was reappointed general secretary of the Femca Cisl of Messina. Confirmed in the secretariat, Mimma Barresi and Giovanni Sindoni. The election took place today at Palazzo d'Amico in Milazzo as part of the 5th territorial congress of the federation that follows workers in the energy, fashion and chemical sectors. Present: the territorial secretary of the Cisl Messina, Mariella Crisafulli, the mayor of Milazzo, Giovanni Formica, the general secretary of the Femca Cisl Sicily, Franco Parisi and the national secretary of the Femca Cisl, Stefano Ruvolo.

At the center of the congress, the themes of work and sustainable industry. “We are fully involved in the environmental sustainability – Trimboli said – of our industry, as confirmed by the numerous agreements signed by the federation on environmental and worker safety. We believe that it is essential to integrate industries into the territory, with a view to synergistic development". The secretary of the Femca Cisl Messina has traced a brief excursus of the activity carried out in the past 4 years in the 3 sectors that belong to the federation.

“The chemical sector – Trimboli said – was affected like many others by the general crisis but we managed, by exerting constant pressure with the institutions and companies, to keep some important realities alive such as the former Pectine Italia, now acquired by the multinational Cargill. We have urged Irsap to relaunch the former ASI areas but to date our appeal has not been accepted. In the field of medicinal chemistry, We are committed to whistleblower engagement and protection sciences that constitute a fundamental guarantee tool for consumer health”.

On the energy front, Trimboli underlined the complexities of the sector, at an international, national and regional level. "The picture has lights and shadows - he said - for which it was decided to focus on productivity and second-level bargaining, always keeping labor rights and environmental sustainability as fixed points". On the manufacturing and fashion sector, Trimboli highlighted the dramatic condition of the sector.

“Companies have mostly been relocated abroad – he said – leaving very few realities, some of which operate underground. The relaunch of the fashion sector in the province goes from creating garments that are not mass-produced, investing in tradition and craftsmanship”. Another subject dealt with was that of the aqueduct company of Messina (Amam). “It is unacceptable that in 2017 water interruptions like those of the recent past continue to occur – Trimboli stated – caused by the age of the networks. We deem it essential that the organic plant of the company be approved as a matter of urgency. The institutions should immediately start the interventions for the reconstruction of the network. Only in this way will it be possible to guarantee an adequate and efficient water service with respect to the requests of the territory".

strettoweb – 28 febbraio 2017

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