GSK “Transaction of Value”. Codacons will forward this list to the Anac. Ed




Codacons – 18 agosto 2018

The Codacons has decided to publish on its website, for obvious reasons of transparency of correct information to citizens, the list of Italian doctors and foundations/universities/institutes financed by the pharmaceutical company Glaxo-Smith-Kline, as distributed by EFPIA. Furthermore, Codacons will forward this list to the Anac, following the complaint already presented for conflict of interest against the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità Gualtiero Ricciardi.

The EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) is in fact an association of pharmaceutical industries, with a direct representation of 33 national associations and 40 leading pharmaceutical companies, characterized by a strong emphasis on the transparency it requires of its affiliates. It is precisely to respond to this request that Glaxo-Smith-Kline has made public, among other things, the lists of Italian doctors who received funding in 2015/2016/2017 (as services, consultancy, various events) .

Despite the lack of detailed references to these loans, and for the most part we limit ourselves to generic references, the total donated by Glaxo-Smith-Kline appears to be growing: more than 11 million in 2015, more than 13 million in 2016, almost 15 million in 2017. now, the question is legitimate: what is this money for?

Among Universities, Foundations and Hospitals, it is surprising, in particular, to read the name of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (125,660.00 euros in 2016, 93,940.00 euros in 2017 for "services and consultancy"): it appears at least inappropriate, in fact, that the technical-scientific body of the National Health Service is included in the list, and it would really be appropriate to explain the reasons for these transfers - disseminating the details - so as to increase transparency and knowledge on the point. Which, of course, could only contribute to the overall credibility of the National Health System.

Here are the reports cited:




Related news: GSK. ABAC – Politica anticorruzione e corruzione (pdf)

GSK extension. Code of practice for promotion and scientific engagement (pdf)

Ed: Codacons, come spesso accade, si fa promotore di iniziative tali da suscitare scandalo nell’opinione pubblica. Per giudicare però occorre conoscere come stanno le cose realmente.

The publication of data relating to economic transactions for research, consultancy, congresses and training activities is envisaged by the Efpia Transparency Code, implemented in Italy with the update of the Farmindustria code of ethics. The data, published in full compliance with the Italian legislation on privacy, concern the individual healthcare professionals who have signed the consent and, in aggregate form, all the others (at least 70% of Italian doctors declared themselves in favor of making the fees public received from pharmaceutical companies). For each doctor who has given consent, the amount of the transfer disbursed, the name of the structure to which it belongs and the category in which the contribution falls (conferences, consultations, etc ...) are visible. To these data are added those relating to R&D grants, published in aggregate, as established by already existing regulations.

After corruption scandals, especially in China, GSK has given itself precise rules  so as to avoid that possa essere percepita l’esistenza di conflitti di interesse anche solo potenziali tra GSK stessa, il Provider erogatore dell’iniziativa formativa ed i medici relatori e/o discenti. GSK assicura di aggiornare periodicamente i dettagli sui programmi di Indipendent Medical Education (IME) finanziati in Italia come parte del proprio continuo impegno alla trasparenza e per rendere evidente agli Operatori Sanitari il proprio supporto per il costante aggiornamento e la continua formazione della classe medica attraverso il sostegno delle migliori iniziative educative accreditate, fra queste risulta anche l’istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS).

According to the reasons in favor of these transactions it is believed that the cooperazione tra aziende farmaceutiche, enti regolatori, operatori sanitari (HCP), organizzazioni sanitarie (HCO) e pazienti, sia essenziale per il miglioramento sostenibile dell’assistenza sanitaria. As experts in their field, healthcare professionals provide first-hand scientific and medical knowledge and unique insights into patient care. This partnership is fundamental to research, to the advancement of medical science, helping to meet the diverse needs of patients and public health.

A partire dal 2016 le società aderenti all’EFPIA si sono impegnate a divulgare i trasferimenti di valore che apportano a HCP e HCO in relazione a medicinali soggetti a prescrizione medica, su base individuale (aggregati per sola eccezione). This includes, for example, sponsorship for travel and registration expenses to attend medical conventions, HCP consulting fees for speaker agreements or to chair meetings, and grants to HCOs. Transfers of value made to HCPs and HCOs for R&D-related activities are disclosed as an aggregated number. Le informazioni sulla divulgazione sono pubblicate annualmente (che coprono l’anno precedente) su una piattaforma pubblica. So does it too GSK extension in the published platform on your site

Oltre al codice EFPIA la legislazione italiana regola questo tipo di “sponsorizzazioni” con l’art. 123 And 124 of Legislative Decree 219/06.

It follows that all of this is legitimate.

Possiamo fare le seguenti considerazioni: gli operatori sanitari sono indispensabili alle aziende farmaceutica perché possono fornire le conoscenze scientifiche alla ricerca farmacologica, nel contempo le aziende farmaceutiche diventano indispensabili ai medici ai quali possono fornire risorse, che lo Stato non dà, per le loro ricerche e formazione medica. Che tutto questo avvenga nella massima trasparenza per evitare operazioni scorrette è positivo. Poi dipende sempre dai controlli, che sono quelli che sono ma che dovrebbero essere molto attenti e severi affincé non venga nascosta attività illecite. E’ eticamente e politicamente corretto tutto questo? Ognuno può dare la sua risposta in base alla propria coscenza.

Ovviamente stiamo parlando di ricerca e formazione, l’informazione scientifica viene dopo e si avvale dei dati della ricerca e dei lavori clinici da trasmettere agli operatori sanitari.

We suggest that Codacons take care of the lobbying activity which has no regulation in Italy.
Interessi poco chiari fanno sì che non possano essere approvate norme che rendano trasparente l’azione dei lobbisti perché altrimenti cadrebbero gli altarini. L’attività di lobbyng può essere corretta, legittima e chiara, ma l’assenza di una legge  impedisce all’elettore di comprendere cosa c’è davvero dietro l’emendamento presentato dal singolo deputato, quale interesse e chi l’ha redatto; impedisce di sapere chi paga e per cosa.
According to relationship drawn up in 2015 by the Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), big pharma reported spending on lobbying activities, at European Community level, amounting to 40 million euros (in 2012, 8.3 million euros). An enormous economic power, through which it is able to influence the decision-making processes that take place in the community bodies. And in Italy?

Related news: Melazzini (AIFA). Transparency in research and development processes and corporate social responsibility for a more effective management of innovation

Transparency. The contributions of Pharmaceutical Companies to doctors, scientific societies and patient associations have been published

EFPIA Disclosure Code

Ethical Principles for EFPIA members

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