Storti (Filctem Vicenza): “At Zambon is everything really going well? We ask for transparency”

Below is the note issued this morning by the general secretary of the Filctem Cgil of Vicenza and the province Giuliano Ezzelini Storti.

“We learn from the Zambon Group's transfer newspapers in Switzerland, denied by the company.

We are in a complicated phase for all the industrial sectors of the country, and the Covid crisis is also affecting the pharmaceutical sector.

Again from the press, we learn that Zambon achieved important and positive numbers in 2019: but for 2020?

At the Vicenza production site, concern remains high: the press reports, the imminent opening of Cigo, the company's lack of will to respect the agreements signed on premiums ... All of this gives a picture that is not in keeping with  corporate communication that talks about a positive situation.

What are we to think? Will the prize be paid as agreed? Will we collaborate again? For clarity, we ask for transparency.

We do not exclude mobilizing if necessary".

(Source: CGIL Vicenza)


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