Stories of ISF. Vincenzo Mauriello, ISF, new councilor for social policies of Giugliano

Giugliano. Vincenzo Mauriello: "Attention focused on families, the elderly and children at risk"

The new Councilor for Social Policies already at work from day one: "I will receive people both in the city and on the coast"

Of Mariarosaria Lumiero – 11/08/2015 – interNapoli

JUGLIAN. Vincenzo Mauriello, 39, married and father of eight-year-old twins, a boy and a girl, whom he defines as "formidable". A degree in Biological Sciences with Physiopathological and Environmental specialization, currently scientific informant in the Ethics Division, at the Menarini IFR in Florence. Appointed Councilor, by the Mayor of Giugliano Antonio Poziello, with responsibility for social policies.Assessor, will you take care of the weaker sections of the city, what is the situation a few days after taking office? Sono ancora pochi i giorni trascorsi dalla mia nomina alle Politiche Sociali, ma di una cosa sono certo, saremo “Noi” , come rappresentanza dell’intera comunità, che ci rivolgiamo alle “Famiglie”, come nucleo fondante della nostra società. I tempi di attesa vanno aboliti e le risposte devono essere rapide.

In un’intervista ha detto che avrebbe incontrato il dirigente dell’area economia D’Alterio per la donazione del 5 per mille. Com’è andata?
D'Alterio is very busy these days for the Budget, I only mentioned the 5 per thousand and the outcome was positive. This donation is just one of the innovations that we will bring to social policies.

Durante il primo Consiglio comunale sono state chieste delucidazioni sulla sua persona, a seguito della sua nomina, per la sua vicinanza a Poziello. Ha trovato infondato quanto chiesto oppure lecito avere perplessità, venendo da un’amministrazione precedente molto chiacchierata?
Anyone who holds public office has a great responsibility, that is, before making statements, read up on what is said in public. Among the ranks of the Five Star Movement, both in Giugliano and in the Northern Area, there are many militants that I know well, even beyond politics, it was enough to read up or ask within the ranks of the movement itself.

Si può dire che questo territorio abbia delle priorità? Il sociale su che piano può essere inquadrato in una scala in ordine d’importanza?
The family is the first nucleus of society, our attention goes to it together with the elderly and children at risk. We have the task of standing by these areas in difficulty, optimizing the resources in the field and seeking funds, not just European ones.

She has been operational since the very beginning and this has almost left us in disbelief. Does this underline how much citizenship has been sidelined in the past?
The weaker groups need immediate answers, only with commitment and optimizing resources can this goal be achieved. In recent days we have joined two important platforms, which will allow us to strengthen our workforce. The deadline was scheduled for September, but we joined immediately and now through a tender there will be new professionals for our Social Areas.

If you could immediately reach a goal, a sort of wish to express to the genie of the lamp, what would you ask for?
Il primo obiettivo che auspico di raggiungere è l’azzeramento delle liste d’attesa nelle diverse Aree Sociali, dando risposte immediate e concrete alle famiglie. Vi anticipo che riceverò chi ne farà richiesta sia al centro che sulla fascia costiera.

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