Stories of ISF. Roberta, 62 years old, exodus from the Fornero law cannot retire yet

"Unemployed and exodus from the Fornero law with my contributions I will only see the check at 67"

An interview with Roberta Zangrilli, exodata ISF, is reported in today's La Repubblica. In an ininterview of 3 years ago to Radio Cusano Campus, which we have reported on April 6, 2018 he said: “I worked as a scientific medical informant and I was an employee of a multinational pharmaceutical company. I became redundant in January 2010. Since 2004, there has been a huge crisis in our sector and about 20,000 jobs have been lost. Under the old law I should have retired at 60 years and 6 months. I was on the move until the end of 2013. With the current rules and with the Fornero Law I should retire in 2027, so when I'm 67 years old".

Roberta told, again 3 years ago, that she had gone to the INPS to ask for information and the experience she had is bordering on the surreal:

“I had applied for the eighth safeguard. I received a letter stating that my application had not been accepted because a document was missing. I brought it and then never heard from again. I am went to the INPS to inform me, knowing full well that the thing had not gone through. An employee told me that no more safeguards will be done, I'm not sure in what capacity. Then she told me: "I have 42 years of contributions and I can't retire" as if it was my fault that I was no longer able to find work".

The retroactive application of the Fornero law has made her an exodus: without a pension and without a salary. “I tried to relocate, he says in today's interview with Repubblica, but for me there was nothing. I've never been able to hook the requirements of the nine safeguards. I have 28 years of contributions: they cannot access the Ape sociale which asks for 30 and I have no children to discount the requirement by two years, Option for women asks for 35, Quota 100 at least 38. It takes 20-25 thousand to redeem the degree euros that I don't have. My husband and I live a life of sacrifices. Why is the state betraying us like this?”


Without going into the merits of the Fornero Law (Decree Law 201/2011 converted with law 214/2011), Between polemiche e chiarimenti che ne sono seguiti negli anni, quest’ultima ha rivoluzionato il sistema pensionistico italiano e in qualche modo innescato benefici e problematiche.

Complicazioni hanno riguardato una serie di lavoratori che, retroattivamente, hanno subito l’innalzamento dell’età pensionabile pur avendo già stipulato accordi di incentivo all’esodo (prepensionamento) o pur trovandosi a pochi anni dalla pensione di vecchiaia o anzianità contributiva: i cosiddetti esodati.

La gravità della situazione di queste persone è testimoniata dal fatto che il legislatore ha approvato ben nove provvedimenti legislativi (l’ultimo la cd. ninth safeguard dista quasi dieci anni dalla Riforma Fornero) per rispondere a queste platee. Ormai il numero degli esodati dalla legge Fornero si è ridotto drasticamente sia per le salvaguardie pensionistiche sia per altre riforme del sistema pensionistico (ad esempio l’social beefemale option, benefit for early and the share 100 che al momento è in discussione per l’abolizione) che hanno offerto una valvola d’uscita strutturale a chi era rimasto incagliato nella Riforma pensionistica.

However, almost ten years and nine safeguards were not enough to definitively close the mess of the exodus, combined in 2011 by the pension reform by Elsa Fornero and Mario Monti. Even the latest intervention, the one contained in the 2021 budget law, left out a part, albeit limited, of those affected by the maneuver.

The Ninth Safeguard is a provision that still can't put an end to the drama of these last Esodati now on their last legs. Victims of the disaster created by the "Fornero manoeuvre", they will still be denied both due justice and fairness with the other approximately 144,000 expatriates already retired. However, it seems that from a financial point of view we cannot do without the Fornero Reform for which the government resurrects the reform, dated 2011 and rejected by the Italians in all the elections of the last ten years. And, while it's at it, it also recycles Fornero as a person, as a consultant.

Related news: House of Representatives. The question of exodus

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