Pharmaceutical expenditure, Aifa data: net subsidized contract down by -5.1% compared to 2017

Only three out of twenty-one regions respect the limits on pharmaceutical spending. This is one of the first data to emerge from the Aifa monitoring of January-April.

But the relevant data is on the net agreement paid by the NHS which in the period January-April 2018, calculated net of the discounts, of the total sharing (regional tickets and sharing of the reference price) and of the 1.83% pay-back paid to the Regions by pharmaceutical companies, amounted to 2,642.1 million euros, showing a decrease, compared to the previous year, of -142.8 million euros (-5.1%). Consumption, expressed in the number of prescriptions (195.7 million prescriptions), shows a slight decrease, equal to -0.8% compared to 2017. The incidence of co-payments increases by 5.7% (+29.3 million euro), above all due to the increase in the price difference citizens pay for the purchase of branded medicines, while fixed co-payments are decreasing. At the same time, an increase of +2.2% (+152.4 million daily doses) of the daily doses dispensed was observed.

Specifically, the agreed pharmaceutical expenditure, which contributes to the ceiling referred to in Law 236/2016, article 1 paragraph 399, i.e. that net of the discounts paid by the pharmacies, the 1.83% payback paid to the Regions by the companies and also the various pay-backs also paid to the Regions (equal to 35.6 million Euros) but gross of the regional co-payments, was equal to 2,773.8 million Euros, i.e. 216 million under the ceiling programmed at 7.38% of the Fsn.

A livello nazionale, la spesa complessiva per i farmaci dei primi quattro mesi dell’anno si è attestata a 6.271,3 mln di euro, evidenziando uno scostamento assoluto – rispetto alle risorse complessive del 14,85% (5.577,7 mln di euro) – pari a +693,5 mln di euro, corrispondente ad un’incidenza percentuale sul Fsn del 16,7 %.

Federfarma – 26/09/2018

AIFA – Monitoraggio della Spesa Farmaceutica Nazionale e Regionale Gennaio-Aprile 2018
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