SHRO 400 thousand euros for the fight against oncological pathologies

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SHRO 400 thousand euros for the fight against oncological pathologies and to finance scholarships for Italian researchers


Over 350 attendances, approximately 200 thousand euros of funds (to which SHRO adds another 200 thousand euros) destined to finance research against oncological pathologies and scholarships for young Italian graduates. It is the final balance of the Research Gala, organized annual event by the Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO), world center of excellence for cancer research with its first headquarters in Philadelphia, in the United States of America, and which now also opens its doors in Italy. As in 2022, the second edition of this long-awaited appointment also took place in the'enchanting setting of Le Axidie Resort of Marina Equa in Vico Equense.

Health Minister Orazio Schillaci: “Evenings like these are very important, it is essential to invest in this sector and for companies to be close to the state. Soon the law on the right to be forgotten oncology"

SHRO President Antonio Giordano: "With the opening of Sbarro Italia, more and more attention is paid to research and to our country's young students"

Several personalities and institutional figures present: the Minister of Health Horace Schillaci, The Undersecretary of State for Relations with Parliament Pina Castiello, the deputy and former National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor Federico Cafiero de Raho, the Senator Francis Sylvester, the Consul General of the United States of America in Naples Tracy Roberts-Pounds, the former undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Health in the Draghi governmentPierpaolo Sileri, the rector of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University Henry Gherlone, the magistrate Castle Maresca, the lawyer John Siniscalchi, the CEO of Petrone Group Massimo Petrone, the oncologist Pino Petrella And The president of the Small Industry Group of the Naples Industrial Union Guido Bourelly.

More than 30 companies from different sectors of society who have chosen to support the'initiative (attached poster with list). The actress Christine Dell'Anna was the godmother of the evening conducted by Leonardo Metals, Tg1 journalist. The artistic performances of the ACSI Ballet (with the artistic direction of Dino Carano) and of the Master Christian Ricci, Tenor. The appointment was made with the decisive contribution of Ble&Associates, SHRO events agency.

Particularly satisfied with the purpose of the meeting Minister Orazio Schillaci: “This is an important event dedicated to research and oncology. I think it is essential to invest in research, from which new therapies are continuously arriving for the treatment of oncological pathologies which today are, in fact, often curable. It is important that there is the world of companies alongside the state: those who do charity in this sector are welcome. I want to say that we also intend to approve a law on cancer oblivion shortly, to ensure that 3 and a half million Italian citizens can finally have a better life after defeating cancer. The Ministry of Health is also focusing on digitization to make quality medicine accessible to more people and to overcome the many differences that still exist between small towns and large cities". 

Also Pierpaolo Sileri underlined the importance of the relationship between companies and research: “An evening of commitment that turns the spotlight on research, on the union between companies and research, between civil society and those who operate in this area. Research is solidarity and hope for a cure for patients with neoplastic diseases. Even more important if all this takes place at a time when we are witnessing an increase in neoplastic pathologies but also an increase in the healed ". 

The real showman of Gala of Research is was its creator, the president of SHRO Antonio Giordano: “The big news this year is that SHRO will finally be based in Italy, this means even greater attention to the world of research and to the support of our country's brilliant minds. Sbarro is an organization that has been funding scientific work for more than 30 years, a decisive result for research against oncological pathologies”. 

Organizing soul of the Research Gala and promoter of Sbarro Italia, the vice president Giancarlo Arra: “To the 200,000 euros raised during the evening we are adding another 200,000 euros to ensure that research and scholarships have significant funding again this year. The opening of our offices on the national territory is an important step which will allow us to increase the number of activities during the year, support the State in this sector which is so important for the health of citizens and create new jobs, counteracting the long-standing phenomenon of brain drain. And that's not all: our goal is also to bring back the brilliant minds who have been forced to emigrate, returning to our country a wealth of professionals".

Received in the editorial staff on June 20, 2023

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