Section AIISF Naples. BLSD course for members

Saturday 21 May, a group of members of the AIISF section of Naples and the Province, federated with Fedaiisf,
he participated with great interest and enthusiasm in the BLSD course held at the CRI Committee of Naples, Corso San Giovanni a Teduccio.

Colleagues have decided to dedicate time and attention to this training course, driven by the desire to consciously make themselves useful in providing the first rescue, resuscitation and use of the AED maneuvers.

The ISFs, in their daily professional activity, may find themselves in circumstances in which timely intervention is required. Being able to do it safely and competently was the trigger for everyone. The course was very well articulated and held by very valid trainers who very well transferred the fundamental notions accompanying us with safety and professionalism.

The training ended exhaustively for all the participants who expressed their appreciation and who, starting today, have the certainty of being able to give their contribution in the event of an emergency.

Thanks to those who participated today by opening a series of appointments between June and September and which will see the formation of other Isfs of our section.

Section AIISF Naples

Federated Fedaiisf


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