Scaccabarozzi: «The pharmaceutical sector has overcome the crisis». Ed

«The pharmaceutical sector, flagship of Made in Italy, has now overcome the crisis. And today from New York he launches an invitation to American companies to consolidate investments which have reached a total of 2.5 billion dollars in the last 5 years. Our country has all the characteristics to attract even more: from quality human resources to business know-how, from centers of excellence to related industries».

This is what the president of Farmindustria Massimo Scaccabarozzi said in New York during the conference Influence, Relevance, Growth – Italy’s opportunity and new paradigm, organized by Italian Business & Investment Initiative in collaboration with Ernst & Young.

"Production in recent years has increased progressively to reach, starting from 2010, +10 per cent compared to -7 per cent of the manufacturing average", added Scaccabarozzi. «Italy pharmaceuticals is in second place for production in the EU (30 billion in 2015) after Germany, which is now close. More than 70 percent of this figure is determined by exports. And employment has grown in the last two years with 5,000 new hires, half of whom are under 30. Without forgetting that, in the pharmaceutical industry, industry 4.0 is a reality.

Positive signals are also coming from research: +20 percent in total investments in the last two years with an increase in the share of Italian clinical studies at European level. And with growing specialization in biotech, vaccines and blood products. Excellent results are then achieved in advanced therapies and rare diseases. Successes to be consolidated with a new governance that enhances innovation and makes Italy even more attractive», concluded Scaccabarozzi.

editorial board,

Related news: Pharmaceuticals, now it is better to invest in Italy. Word of Scaccabarozzi

Ed: In Italia, nel settore farmaceutico non c’è mai stata crisi. Si veda i dati ISTAT. La finta crisi di cui parla è servita a giustificare il licenziamento di 15.000 ISF.

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