Health: the portal for specialists is underway

According to aEurisko survey, in 75% of cases the doctor uses the internet as a source of scientific and professional updating alongside the scientific rep. InfoMedics is born: info, insights and services, aimed at professionals.

23 dicembre 2014 – più sani più belli

From patients, to clinicians, to institutions to the pharmaceutical industry, the world of Health is increasingly the protagonist of a real digital revolution. Driven by the advent of new technologies, capable of changing the world of healthcare and pharma, Roche Italia launches a new portal, InfoMedics full of information, insights and services, and aimed at health professionals.

“Digital can often be cause of disinformation or approximation. For this reason, our commitment is to offer the utmost professionalism in services and information, guaranteeing their solidity and truthfulness with a view to total transparency", comments Maurizio de Cicco, CEO of Roche SpA

In this current cultural challenge that is accompanying the Italian health revolution, health professionals find themselves embracing a new philosophy, based on sharing of clinical information and its transparent management. Speed, overcoming space-time barriers, high customization possibilities make the possibilities of today much richer and more dynamic access to the world of information also in the medical-scientific world. InfoMedics is the portal that allows the doctor to interface with the Company on the web; take advantage of e-detailing, e-mailing, links to FAD (distance training courses), and new interactive tools thanks to the reserved area totally dedicated to him.

“InfoMedics è la risposta di Roche Italia al bisogno dei professionisti della salute di poter disporre di una comunicazione multicanale sempre più articolata ed innovativa. – conclude Luigi Capani, Customer Excellence Director Roche S.p.A. – Come dimostra una recent survey conducted by Gfk Eurisko, in 75% cases the doctor uses the Internet as a source of scientific and professional updating alongside the figure of the scientific rep. In this way, Roche enriches the opportunities for updating and information, which the doctor interprets with different styles and approaches”, warns Capani.

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