Correction by Dr. Bianchi

In seguito alla comparsa dell’articolo sulla vostra pagina edita dalla Rete di San Marino, voglio specificare a lei direttore e al presidente della FEDAIISF che ho provveduto con querela per diffamazione nei confronti della Rete e se non rettificherete quanto scritto farò ugualmente nei vostri confronti con richiesta danni.

Also I wonder how can a serious newspaper publish certain news without any verification? Above all, how can a news communicated by the prosecutor be published when an investigation is opened (not supported by some documented crimes) where the merit of the appropriate diagnoses for each prescription is made by the NAS and the Public Prosecutor?

Moreover, the defamation also takes place against Sandoz, which specifically does not concern me, but demonstrates the superficiality of the way in which both the Network and yours operate. Sandoz is one of the most serious companies in Italy. I prescribed their Omnitrope (GH) product because it costs half (and I've never taken bribes) of those on the market (check before you speak. But even at the hospital level, it seemed to me that it was the least prescribed.

Above all, the writer demonstrates great ignorance of the DOPING problem, i.e. he does not even know what he is talking about and also of the CONI organization.
In fact, a documented journalist knows how things work in the professional world and how CONI is managed, which instead of protecting the health of professional athletes, those with whom it has economic income, gives moralistic suspensions for doping.

Quali sono gli atleti professionisti dopati? Come mai il sottoscritto che pur essendo specialista in medicina dello sport non sono mai stato medico sportivo del CONI? La risposta è semplice e se non l’avete capita ve la do io: non faccio il medico sportivo.

Il CONI ha emesso una sentenza che non ha alcun significato: ha sospeso un soggetto che non è un suo membro. A parte la incostituzionalità della sentenza e dell’appella fatto in Cassazione contro tale sentenza. Per finire vorrei dire due cose sulla Rete: sono consci del disastro economico sammarinese e delle innumerevoli scelte sbagliate fatte in passato e che porteranno la Repubblica alla fame? Se avete qualche quesito, contattatemi pure.
Best regards.

Vittorio Bianchi


Ed.: The site reports, except when specifically specified, everything that is published, in electronic or paper form, with precise references, that is of direct or indirect interest on Scientific Information.

The news, dated September 30, 2014, to which Dr. Bianchi refers, was a press release from the movement NET, also taken up by other newspapers, such as the Resto del Carlino or the Fatto Quotidiano (see the link of the related news) and supported, as Dr. Bianchi himself says, by statements from the NAS and the Public Prosecutors, considered official sources.  It was certainly not our intention to enter into the merits of this affair.

We are pleased that Dr. Bianchi can demonstrate his extraneousness to the facts and we gladly publish his correction. We apologize if Dr. Bianchi has deemed it our responsibility to have reported information he considers detrimental to his dignity or contrary to the truth.

Furthermore, the site is not responsible for what is stated by Dr. Bianchi who assumes full responsibility for it.

Related news: Il dottor Bianchi intervistato da Laudadio. “Farmaci opportuni, non pratico doping”

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