What role for the Area Manager? Guilty or innocent?

Usually a marriage is done in two, at least that's how it should be. I am convinced that the responsibility for everything we complain about today, as in the case of the commercial drift of our work, has more than one actor involved.

We have said several times that ours is a category of workers determined to support a strong propensity for individualism. There are many reasons for this state of mind of ours and one of the many that contributes to reinforcing this particular characteristic is the figure we identify in the role of AM (editor's note: Area Manager or Area Head).

A deliberately commercial figure who goes against the trend of the provisions of the Legislative Decree 219/06 and which acts as a glue between the ISF and marketing. This role (AM) has generated, not by his direct will but specifically by the will of marketing, that distraction from the rules set out in Legislative Decree 219, distorting the meaning of the same law, specifically the art. 122, 126 And 130, which I invite you to read.

No dear colleagues, I spoke of several actors. It would be too easy to single out a single culprit. Returning to the initial joke about marriage, where are we co-responsible, if not actually, the main architects of this commercial drift?

Let's carefully analyze the causes. First of all, don't tell me that no one has ever found it boring to read the provisions of a law that affects our profession.

Second, who has never felt pampered at the first tap on the shoulders, a benevolent gesture, such as to make us feel in the good graces of the lord (read employer, AM etc.)?

Third point no less important, because you are a beginner in the job and therefore due to inexperience. I considered this third point to be "no less important" because, addressing the elderly, how many times have we happened to help/inform our colleague at his first work experience on community and regional laws regarding our work? I rarely think.

To all this, let us not miss the veiled threats from our direct managers who often, in order not to enter into conflict, we have also considered convincing to such an extent that if we have shown particular attention to the constitutional, regional if you like, that sense of guilt, for which our attention / observance, could have put many jobs at risk. How many times have we heard, The company pays you…Aren't we convinced?

Question: Have we ever risked our jobs for asking to respect the law? I don't think so, so much so that the many, numerous layoffs, to our knowledge, have never been motivated by similar reasons.

Every day the press reports news of double-digit industrial profits in the sector, the best among the industrial realities of our country, so why have we lost so many jobs and continue to suffer so many layoffs, purges or streamlining if the sector is so flourishing?

Are we still convinced that our difficulties may depend on respecting the rules? I do not think so,

Speaking of rules, the one that I consider to be the main one with regard to our profession is referred to by art. 122 paragraph 6 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree 219/06: “ Scientific representatives must report to the scientific service referred to inarticle 126, on which they depend, and to the head of the pharmacovigilance service referred to in paragraph 4 of thearticle 130, all information on the undesirable effects of medicinal products, attaching, where possible, copies of the reporting forms used by the doctor in accordance with Title IX." . For greater clarity and completeness, please also read the art. 126 and 130 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree

Quindi, tornando alla figura dell’A.M., è vero, questi funge da filtro tra noi e il marketing orientando, qualora ce lo fossimo scordati, il nostro ruolo verso un aspetto sempre più commerciale e, tanto basta, dal momento che nessuno si oppone, per ritenere di non poter essere immuni da responsabilità su quanto accade sia a livello politico che sindacale. I contratti di lavoro e le sempre più rigide regole ultimamente imposte dalle regioni in merito all’informazione, sono un palese esempio. Siamo mai stati presenti al tavolo delle trattative, con la giusta determinazione?

Let me be clear, beyond these considerations, I'm not demonizing the figure of the AM because this, carries out the work assigned to him, let's not forget that each of us could one day be called to hold the same position only that, as often happens, once you get on a higher step, you forget that you were an ISF professional before. Furthermore, we cannot fail to point out that a problem is highlighted here, the AMs depend on marketing and not on the Scientific Management and their role is not recognized or mentioned at all by Legislative Decree 219/06. How can this figure be justified when his activity is separated from the dependence of the Scientific Direction?

This is the vulnerability that contrasts with the Legislative Decree On the one hand, the rules for the protection of Public Health on the use of medicines, on advertising among health operators and on our professional figure, on the other, the rules and rights of trade. Two contrasting aspects.

At this point I wonder, does the presence of a figure like AM make sense? Who knows… perhaps the figure of the MSL would be more appropriate (ed: Medical Science Liaison), decidedly more pertinent to the role and responsibilities of a Scientific Directorate.

Rivedendo le nostre responsabilità, siamo mai stati veri interlocutori delle rappresentanze sindacali? In che modo e con quale determinazione siamo stati attenti all’operatività, e quanto abbiamo sostenuto il ruolo delle nostre RSU? Quante volte, ci siamo sentiti istigati pur avendo noi, capacità di intendere e volere, e senza alcuna ragione, a pensare che i nostri colleghi impegnati, con spirito di volontariato, fossero in mala fede? Sarà pure accaduto che in qualche circostanza si siano verificati casi di mala fede ma, una rondine non fa primavera. Sarebbe ora di smetterla di guardare al passato e cogliere l’occasione che ci si presenta in questo momento. Se pensate che tutto ciò sia inutile allora non scordiamoci che abbiamo, responsabilmente, ciò che ci meritiamo.

So, are we still convinced that this marriage is only about one side, or are we too deeply and morally involved?

Dimenticavo, un’altra domanda che mi pongo è sull’art. 130, relativa alle “disposizioni concernenti il titolare dell’A.I.C.”, come la mettiamo con le numerose aziende produttrici di soli generici e che non vengono minimamente menzionate nel suddetto articolo di legge? Scusate la mia ignoranza, sono anche queste titolari dell’A.I.C. o no? Hanno, per intenderci, una Direzione Scientifica, un servizio di Farmacovigilanza?

Let's meditate… let's meditate…

Antonio Scano for the Fedaiisf editorial staff


At the time of the enactment of law 219, Farmindustria and Unions included the ISF, in the renewal of the Chemicals CCNL of July 2006, in the Marketing - Sales area, starting to affect its professional profile which will be completed with the hasty renewal of 2012 where with convoluted profiles frankly derogatory concepts of the Law are introduced and above all Level C is introduced (seller/salesman profile) for new hires.

In fact, there are some discrepancies with respect to the law in the CCNL. One is the figure of the Technical/Scientific Training Manager who, on the basis of marketing policies, ensures scientific and technical training, also in relation to sales techniques, of the entire scientific information structure.

The Chief of Area Managers of the Pharmaceutical area, coordinating a structure of Area Managers, is responsible for the achievement of the promotional and sales objectives. The area manager ensures, on the basis of company plans and strategies, the coordination and control of a group of FSIs.

Evident in all of this is the ISF's unlawful control of marketing and sales. In particular, the direct superior of an ISF is an Area Manager who must impose the company plans and strategies which are promotional and sales objectives.

Non a caso, in base alla legge, nelle linee guida di regolamento regionale sull’informazione scientifica del farmaco approvato dalla Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome il 20 aprile 2006 al punto 5 si specifica “Gli ISF devono svolgere la loro attività presso i medici da soli; la presenza del capoarea o di altre figure professionali non correlate all’attività di informazione scientifica, è ammessa solo per funzioni diverse dalla informazione scientifica”. Molti regolamenti Regionali, adottando le linee guida della Conferenza delle Regioni, vietano l’affiancamento del Capo Area.

È evidente, anche in questo caso, che, in base alla legge, le Regioni considerano la figura del capoarea non correlata all’attività di informazione scientifica.

The most sensational discrepancy of the CCNL with respect to the law is when it provides that newly hired ISFs "saranno inquadrati nella posizione organizzativa C1 – C2. La permanenza in C dei lavoratori assunti quali ISF senza esperienza specifica nella mansione, sarà di 36 mesi che decorrono dalla data della assunzione”. The organizational position C1 and C2 relates to the sales operators in charge of traveling with sales duties (salesmen).

Related news: ISF commits suicide after being fired: the prosecutors accuse the area manager

Judgment. An apology email to a doctor for the attitude of the area manager on coaching does not violate the relationship of trust between the company and the employee

Quintiles. ISF recruitment with Commerce contract. Filctem: "Unacceptable"

"Dear Scaccabarozzi, if companies want to contribute to moral growth they will really have to consider the ISF according to the provisions of the law"

Judgment Court of Marsala. The ISF is not a commercial agent

Cassation. The scientific informant is not a commercial agent

Court of La Spezia. Judgment. 370.2016

AIFA. Clarifications on ISF



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