Health professions, signed the implementing decree establishing the new registers

immagine di alcuni operatori al lavoro

The first implementing decree of law n. 3 of 2018, better known as the law that reformed the system of health professions in Italy, the so-called Lorenzin law.

This is the decree that establishes the registers of the 17 health professions, until now regulated and not ordered, which will become part of the Order of health technicians of medical radiology and of the technical health professions, rehabilitation and prevention. These registers are added to the already existing registers of medical radiology technicians and healthcare assistants.

This completes the regulatory framework for all 22 health professions, each of which will have a reference order. A goal, awaited for twelve years, which represents another piece of reform for the entire health system with a view to increasing the value of the role of the health professions and, at the same time, better protection of citizens' right to health.

In order to ensure that the new regulatory framework was not only shared but also responsive to the needs of the health professionals concerned, the text of the decree was also defined with the contribution of the President of the Medical Radiology Health Technicians and the President of the National Coordination of Associations of the health professions (CONAPS), and following a reading shared with the most representative Associations of the technical health professions, rehabilitation and prevention.

Below are the new registers of health professions established in the Orders of Health Technicians of medical radiology and of the technical health professions, rehabilitation and prevention:

Consult the decree of 13 March 2018

Ministero della Salute – 14 marzo 2018

Related news: Law 11 January 2018, n. 3 

Identification and establishment of new health professions

The health professions and auxiliary arts recognized by the Ministry of Health

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