Connectivity Voucher Plan. MISE bonus up to €2,500 for VAT, SMEs and ENTERPRISES

Extension of the voucher also to professionals

Cos’è e a chi si rivolge

The measure provides for the provision of a connectivity voucher for ultra-fast internet subscriptions.

The measure is aimed at:

What does it finance

The interventions are financed from state resources of the 2014-2020 Development and Cohesion Fund, for a total amount of resources equal to 608,238,104.00 euros.

In particular, the measure provides for the disbursement of a contribution of an amount between a minimum of 300 euros and a maximum of 2,500 euros for internet subscriptions at download speeds from 30 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s (and higher), with a duration of 18 or 24 months.

How does it work

Potential beneficiary companies will be able to request the voucher from any of the accredited operators, until the allocated resources are exhausted and, in any case, no later than 15 December 2022.

The implementation of the intervention is entrusted to Infratel Italia SpA, under the supervision of the Directorate General for Electronic Communication, Radio Broadcasting and Postal Services (DGSCERP) of the Ministry.

More information is available on the site



Ministry of Economic Development
Directorate General for Electronic Communication, Radio Broadcasting and Postal Services
Divisione II – Reti infrastrutturali di comunicazione e banda ultralarga

Infratel Italia SpA


The extension of the audience of beneficiaries follows the provision amending the Decree of the Minister of Economic Development of 23 December 2021, concerning the Phase II voucher plan, for interventions to support the connectivity demand of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, published in Official Gazette n.116 of 19-5-2022.

Specifically, from today (May 23) vouchers are also allowed for natural persons with a VAT number che esercitano, in proprio o in forma associata, una professione intellettuale ai sensi dell’art. 2229 del codice civile (organizzate in Albi o Ordini), o una delle professioni non organizzate di cui alla legge 14 gennaio 2013, n. 4. (le professioni comprese in questa definizione siano over 200, practiced for more than 3 million people in Italy. professionals who carry out relevant activities in the economic field, not formally classified in a legal field).

The incentive, from a minimum of 300 euros to a maximum of 2,500 euros for ultra-broadband connectivity services from 30 Mbit/s to over 1 Gbit/s, can be requested directly from telecommunications operators who have registered on the portal dedicated to the incentive, activated by Infratel Italia which manages the measure on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development.

For the disbursement of the voucher and the activation of the ultra-broadband services, the beneficiaries will have to use the usual sales channels of the operators.

The voucher plan for businesses and professionals still has resources of around 545 million euros.

In addition, a reallocation of funds was approved with the same decree. A total of 147,377,396 euros were allocated to type C vouchers, in consideration of the fact that the resources for these types of vouchers, with more performing characteristics, were already exhausted in various regions.

25% of the allocated resources is thus allocated to the financing of band A vouchers, distributed for 20% in favor of Vouchers A1 and for 5% in favor of Vouchers A2. 25% of the allocated resources is allocated to the financing of Vouchers C.


For more information:

Decree of 27 April 2022.


Summing up:

Yes, if you are a VAT number or a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise with up to 250 employees and with a maximum annual turnover of 50 million and registered in the Business Register. Only one delivery is expected voucher for VAT number.

You can request the MISE Voucher to activate new connectivity services or to improve already active connectivity. The speed to be activated must be the best available at the installation site.

The MISE voucher value varies from a minimum of €300 up to €2,500. The amounts will be distributed between 18 and 36 months from the activation of the service. The allocated resources are limited and conditioned by better connection speed available at the activation address. There are four different types of vouchers, depending on the performance parameters (maximum download speed and minimum guaranteed bandwidth) relating to the activated offer, with amounts between minimum of 300 euros and a maximum of 2,500 euros for a duration of 18 or 24 months.

Yes, you can request the MISE Bonus immediately! The funds have already been made available following the publication of the decree in the Official Gazette on 09/02/202 and extended to the VAT number with the decree published on 27/04/2022.

Source Vodafone

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