Noble College, nominated Massimo Scaccabarozzi Collegiate Honoris Causa. Tomorrow the ceremony

Noble College, nominated Massimo Scaccabarozzi Collegiate Honoris Causa. Tomorrow the ceremony

26/03/2018 – Feferfarma

Massimo Scaccabarozzi, Presidente di Farmindustria, nominato a Collegiale Honoris Causa del Nobile Collegio Chimico Farmaceutico-Universitas Aromatariorium Urbis. “Questa onorificenza – dice – mi riempie il cuore di gioia e gratitudine. Soprattutto per ciò che il Nobile Collegio rappresenta.

In fact, since its foundation in 1429, it has stood out for the contribution it has offered to the development of pharmaceutical preparations and to the care of people".

The conferment of the Insignia to the Collegiate Nobles Honoris Causa is given for professional and social merits and so that Massimo Scaccabarozzi can “with his thoughts and actions perpetuate the glory and that of the Institute of Pharmacy”. The ceremony will take place tomorrow in Rome.

“È un riconoscimento inaspettato, quindi ancora più apprezzato – prosegue Scaccabarozzi – che mi fa pensare alle mie origini, alle motivazioni che mi hanno portato da giovane laureato, dopo una breve esperienza in farmacia, a trascorrere oltre 30 anni di vita nell’industria farmaceutica. Un lungo percorso nel quale ho cercato di mettere cuore, passione ed energia e durante il quale ho ricevuto molto”.

“L’onorificenza – conclude Scaccabarozzi – mi dà una ancora maggiore carica per aumentare il mio impegno, professionale e sociale, per lo sviluppo del settore, della ricerca, della centralità della persona e del paziente. E per portare avanti – con rinnovata passione ed entusiasmo – la gloria del Nobile Collegio e dell’istituto della Farmacia e i suoi valori etici e sociali”.

Federfarma – 26/03/2018

Cos’è il Nobile Collegio Chimico Farmaceutico Universitas Aromatariorum Urbis

On 8 March 1429, the enlightened will of Pope Martin V donated, by virtue of his merits, to the Guild of Roman Pharmacists, the Collegiate Church of San Lorenzo erected inside the ancient Roman Temple that the Emperor Antoninus wanted to build in 142 AD in honor of his wife Faustina. The donation from the Collegiate actually fulfilled the requests of the Corporation which in this way could have a sacred place to gather in prayer and reflect on the Christian and social values of art.

In 1602 the Corporation of Apothecaries wanted to erect the Church, still inside the Roman Temple, which still today, in its magnificence, is the pride of the Imperial Forums, of Rome and of Italian Pharmacists. The Church took the name of San Lorenzo de' Speziali in Campo Vaccino. Once the entire complex was erected, the Nobile Collegio de' Speziali was commissioned by the Pope to carry out those institutional functions which today belong to the Ministry of Health, the professional Order, the University.

In 1871, with the annexation of Rome to the Italian State, these prerogatives ceased and the Roman Noble College of Pharmacists, the oldest seat of the Guild in the world, began to perform academic, cultural and social functions.

The Noble Chemical Pharmaceutical College Universitas Aromatariorum Urbis is governed by fifty active Noble Collegiate members who are required to have professional and scientific merits, integrity of morals and to be Pharmacists in Rome.

Noble College: to Leonardi, Rampino and Scaccabarozzi nomination honoris causa

27/03/2018 09:25:05

There are three new noble collegiate honoris causa of the Noble Chemical Pharmaceutical College of Rome: John Leonardi, Gabriel Rampino And Massimo Scaccabarozzi. The ceremony, which took place on Sunday morning, was also the occasion to celebrate the 589th anniversary of the oldest professional institution of pharmacists. It was the year of our Lord 1429, in fact, when Pope Martin V (Oddone Colonna, whose election to the papal throne effectively put an end to the Western Schism which for almost forty years, from 1378 to 1417, had broken the Western Church into two autocephalous bodies, dividing the community of the faithful into "Roman obedience" and "Avignon obedience") promulgated on 8 March the founding bull of the Noble Chemical Pharmaceutical College of Rome.

Federfarma – 27/03/2018
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