Colleagues from Salento report to us the tragedy involving my colleague Antonella Antonaci. We report the facts as described by Lecce Today
Nardò, hangs clothes in the garden: killed by an electric shock together with the neighbour
The neighbor had intervened to help the owner of the house: the shock electrocuted both of them
AND' what an absurd tragedy that is happened this morning to Nardo, in the province of Lecce, where two women
According to an initial reconstruction, one of the two women, the owner of the house, Anna Cinzia Cataldi, she was hanging out the washing in the garden when she came across an exposed electrical cable. Suddenly, a short circuit has occurred. The female neighbour, Antonia Antonaci, ISF, immediately rushed to help the woman, but the electric discharge – forse a causa del pavimento bagnato – struck both of them. The two women, aged 46 and 51, died instantly.
Nell’incidente domestico sono rimaste ferite altre due persone presenti sul posto al momento della tragedia. Si tratta della figlia della proprietaria e del suo vicino. Nonostante le ferite e il panico del momento, la ragazza è riuscita ad allertare i soccorsi. Ha anche tratto in salvo il suo vicino, poiché ha avuto la prontezza di disattivare il contatore elettrico. La studentessa she is still hospitalized ma se la caverà. Le salme delle due vittime, al termine dell’ispezione da parte del medico legale, sono state condotte presso la camera mortuaria del nosocomio del capoluogo salentino, dove resteranno in attesa di ulteriori disposizioni da parte della Procura della Repubblica di Lecce.
Colleagues describe her as a sunny woman, full of joie de vivre, a pleasure to meet and talk to. Close and active towards our association, Fedaiisf. She was recovering from a difficult period after her husband's kidney transplant and the death of her mother. In addition to her husband, she leaves two children. The eldest, 13 years old, should have been confirmed on Sunday.
Ci uniamo ai colleghi di Lecce nell’inviare ai familiari le nostre commosse condoglianze