Modena. The well-known vestibologist Giorgio Guidetti, husband of an ISF colleague, died

E’ deceduto questa mattina il noto vestibologo Giorgio Guidetti. Il dottor Giorgio Guidetti, 67 anni, uno dei massimi esperti nel campo della vestibologia è morto al Policlinico di Modena dove era ricoverato da due mesi dopo aver contratto il Covid.

President of the Italian Society of Vestibology for seven years, Guidetti was originally from Reggio Emilia but his professional career is entirely linked to Modena. It adds to the sad list of 337 other doctors who died of Covid

Giorgio Guidetti ENT and vestibologist was the husband of our ISF colleague Veronica Malmusi, enrolled in the Sec. AIISF of Modena

We send our deepest condolences and are close to our dear colleague Veronica and her son

The Board of the Section AIISF of Modena


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