MNLF: «Drug monopoly? Like in the Middle Ages"

In relation to the statements by the President of the International Medicines Federation Carmen Peῆa, reported by Il Giornale, regarding his opposition to the liberalization of class C drugs with prescriptions paid directly by citizens, we note the complete disinformation of those who issued them.

As Peῆa states, there are no problems of an ethical nature, as the drug is dispensed by a graduated and qualified professional, as in a pharmacy, who is obliged to comply with the ethical obligations to which reference is made.

There are no health problems for the safety of citizens because the drugs under discussion in the Senate are prescribed by a doctor, and as such are subject to "inelastic" demand, ie they are neither abused nor over-consumed.

We advise the president to further investigate certain issues before issuing statements in defense of medieval privileges. To the union of Italian pharmacy owners to update their partners who are defenders of the status quo more carefully.

We suggest to the International Medicines Federation to carry out more accurate studies with respect to the rules on the distribution of medicines, bad figures at an international level could be avoided.

No valid reason stands in the way of the liberalization of class C medicines and Federfarma has also noticed this and, not satisfied with how the disinformation campaign is proceeding, is looking for support beyond national borders.

The liberalization of class C drugs is an opportunity for the country's economy, an opportunity for economic growth aimed at creating new jobs and new companies. With this reform equity and equality of opportunity will finally be able to enter one of the categories, that of pharmacists, anchored to old privileges and positional income.

source: MNLF

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