Marvecs, the big scam. The leaders of Pfizer and AstraZeneca-Simesa are condemned

There were the first convictions in Milan, in the first instance, for complicity in fraudulent bankruptcy, for a story linked to the collapse of Marvecspharma, which cost the job of hundreds of scientific informants. With abbreviated rite, the investigating magistrate Stefania Pepe sentenced former members of the BoD of Pfizer Italia and Astra Zeneca-Simesa to sentences of between 2 years and 6 months and 3 years.

La notizia è apparsa oggi su “Il Fatto Quotidiano”. Il giornale riferisce che i curatori fallimentari, rappresentati dall’Avv. Anna Longo, si sono costituiti parte civile. Sono stati i PM Gaetano Ruta e Luigi Orsi (ora alla Pérocura generale della Cassazione) insieme al Nucleo tributario della Guardia di Finanza di Milano a indagare sul fallimento della Marvacs, avvenuto il 14 gennaio 2011, con un buco di 160 milioni di euro. Sull’orlo del crac, negli ultimi 4 anni la società aveva assunto un migliaio di lavoratori predestinati alla disoccupazione con la complicità, secondo l’accusa, di manager di multinazionali del calibro di Pfizer Italia, che ha operato la cessione di rami d’azienda pur sapendo che la Marvecs era “con bilanci in dissesto”.

In short, the workers were treated like expired drugs to be thrown away: they got rid of their cost to optimize profits.

The newspaper traces the judicial affair that led to this first judgment and to which we refer for l’articolo integrale or, for more in-depth information, in the notes below.

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Related news: Lawyer Rosanna De Leo: I no longer intend to dwell on the abnormal duration of the abbreviated procedure, simply sharing the unease and anger of all of you. Moreover, alas, even the press release sent to the major newspapers and news agencies did not have any effect, since the same was taken into consideration only by the FEDAIISF and by another online publication.

It is evident that the strategy is to bring us to exhaustion and discouragement. As far as I'm concerned, I'm neither exhausted nor discouraged. In any case, the hearing for discussion of the abbreviated procedure, after the umpteenth postponement of 12.17.2018, has been set for 02.26.2019 at 10.00.

A forgotten story of common injustice: 1000 workers fired "in silence" and in general indifference. Not due to a state of crisis but due to a history of bad money, false business transfer agreements and fraudulent bankruptcy. Meanwhile, justice is slow to arrive…

At a time when there is so much talk about Justice, Processes and prescriptions, nobody seems to be interested in the life story of about 1000 Pharmaceutical Representative workers who lost their jobs 7 years ago not because of the economic "crisis". but for a bad story of money, multinationals and fraudulent bankruptcy.

Approximately 400 of these Pharmaceutical Representatives have heroically denounced the wrongdoings concocted behind their backs by some Big Pharma, with the endorsement of the Unions (which had induced them to sign Conciliation Reports in a "protected forum" to silence everything). In 2013, the Public Prosecutor's Office of Milan, after a thorough investigation and reconstruction of the facts, requested the indictment of about 20 people, including directors of some well-known multinational drug companies, lawyers and consultants.

I am referring to the "crash" of the pharmaceutical company Marvecspharma Service srl, based in Milan (share capital € 12,000.00), established in the late 1990s with about 30 employees which, between 2004 and 2007 had acquired about 1,200 informants Pharmaceutical Scientists, through "sales of business units" organized by various drug multinationals and in particular by the Pfizer Italia srl and from Astrazeneca SpA And Simesa SpA In practice, the Big Pharmas had "sold" their workforce, with "regular" notarial contracts for the sale of the business unit, at the symbolic price of € 1,000, only to then pay several million Euros to the transferee Marvecspharma Service srl in title of "badwill"; all this, being fully aware that the latter company was not able to bear the burdens and costs deriving from these conspicuous acquisitions of personnel, since it had, since 2002, suffered serious losses in the financial statements.

The unfortunate ISF were made to sign a Trade Union Conciliation Report, which guaranteed a 36-month stability pact with the assignee Company and a minimum sum as an "incentive", against their incontrovertible renunciation of taking action against the Big Pharma for any matter related to the past and the future.

In reality it happened that, a few months after the last of the acquisitions in September 2007, Marvecspharma Service declared a state of crisis, first placing the workers in CIGS and then no longer paying wages, until it reached bankruptcy in January 2011 , with the end result that about 1000 people were left without a job.

Basically, the drug multinationals (Pfizer Italia srl and Astrazeneca SpA in the lead) with the aforementioned operations, had unloaded the weight and "shame" of the layoffs on Marvecspharma Service srl, in order to remain "pure and immaculate” for the market, shareholders and rating agencies. However, the aforementioned companies could not have accessed the normal collective redundancy procedures pursuant to Law no. 223/91: in fact, none of the Big Pharmas involved has ever been in a crisis, so much so as to justify a collective mobility procedure which, moreover, would have foreseen greater economic burdens for it. Furthermore, the activation of a collective redundancy would not have made possible the concomitant financial operations of merger/acquisition of other companies.

Therefore, the absolute protection of profits/dividends/profits prevailed over the protection of workers, who were left without employment, all aged between 35 and 60, with difficulty in relocating to the labor market.

La Procura della Repubblica di Milano, come detto, ha scoperchiato questo malsano meccanismo (Procedimento n. 10147/2011 R.G. N.R.) rinviando a giudizio tutti gli ex amministratori della Pfizer Italia s.r.l., di Astrazeneca S.p.A e di Simesa S.p.A. La stampa aveva dato notizia dell’apertura di quel processo, nel lontano 2014 … e poi?

What happened after?

Some defendants and, among them all the former directors of Pfizer, Astrazeneca and Simesa, had asked to be judged with the abbreviated procedure, while the others with the ordinary rules of the trial.

Well the fact is that the abbreviated procedure, pending before the GUP of Milan (Dr. Pepe) is still inexplicably pending, malgrado siano esaurite tutte le arringhe e requisitorie da oltre un anno. Ad ogni udienza vengono chiesti e concessi rinvii … l’ultimo il 30 ottobre… udienza rinviata al 17.12.2018… e alla fine ci sarà finalmente la sentenza?

Result: the 400 workers are still awaiting a ruling which, they hope, will at least give them justice for the loss of their job, the impossibility of relocating, of retiring, of the loss of foreclosed houses due to the inability to pay mortgages of broken and separated families.

These people have been scammed and have lost their jobs and dignity not due to a company and market crisis, but only to satisfy the profit and market logic of the drug multinationals who have dumped them in the MarvecsPharma Service srl "garbage bin".

Several times, over the years, we have tried to involve the press, but apart from the news of the opening of the trial back in 2014, then there was oblivion, indifference, with the unpleasant feeling that the interests of ISF workers, who have been subject to exchange, the base price of the "transfer" does not interest ai average.

Yet behind each of those names lies the story of a life, suffering, the art of getting by for survival, lies the disease that struck someone and the death of those who didn't make it. and in the meantime we helplessly watch the performance of the Abbreviato which is not abbreviated but an “extended” rite!!!

The media should deal with these stories, the distortions of a justice system that are poured on the skin of citizens who are waiting, even if only, for a moral victory.

A former Marvecspharma employee

                                   Luigi Signorile

November 13, 2018

Don't forget X-Pharma!

Transfer of the Takeda-Simesa branch


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