L'event marketing (or event marketing) is a marketing strategy whose birth dates back to the eighties but still in vogue today especially in recent times. Aimed at pursuing the social and economic objectives of companies, through the planning and implementation of a series of communication elements related to the theme of the event itself, it sets itself the goal of improving and increasing,
Therefore, through the event, the company does not intend to promote the event itself, but rather its name and the services offered.
An example of this is the Christmas event promoted every year by the pharmaceutical company Janssen: in the month of December, in fact, the aforementioned organizes a party for family and friends of employees, during which it offers food, recreational activities and gifts for the children: in this way, the company succeeds in the dual purpose of improve its image both in the eyes of external patrons and the employees themselves.
The events therefore fall within the corporate strategy and are capable of generating a certain economic return on the investments made.
The organization of such events consists of three phases: the first is that which concerns the conception and planning; the second is that of management and actual implementation; the third, subsequent to the event itself, is that of the evaluation and control of the results achieved.
(taken from Valsassina of 15 January 2019)
A key reason why any business should attend an event is to build and reinforce the perception of their brand.
La grande potenzialità per l’azienda da questo punto di vista è quella di poter coltivare ed esprimere la sua identità in prima persona.
Events are the perfect place to share business ideas and spin your name exactly the way you want it to be perceived.
Of course the desired effect depends on the goals, but most companies need events that are more than just a “staged announcement” for their brand.
When done right, an event is capable of creating a lasting and powerful impression di tutto ciò che l’azienda o organizzazione è in grado di offrire.
It also allows people to have one demonstration concreteness of the service and to be educated in all its uses e advantages.
Big companies have a huge opportunity in the development of meeting dedicated to managers and employees, in which to strengthen team spirit and the shared vision of what the company itself does and represents. An event allows the public to participate in a real and interactive way, creating an experience with a high emotional content