M5S Lazio: Include scientific informants in the vaccination campaign. They must be protected

“The pandemic cannot be managed only with vaccines”

“Bisogna garantire l’esenzione ticket per pazienti post Covid, i servizi ambulatoriali ed i controlli Rsa”

The Lighthouse January 13, 2021

“The fight against the pandemic and the management of the entire organizational machine of the Region it cannot be limited to the vaccination campaign alone but he must contemplate everything a wider range of measures, such as the exemption of the health ticket for patients recovered from Covid-19 who still need further checks, as requested in our motion. It is also necessary to continue to ensure essential services for access to adequate care by all citizens, indiscriminately, from outpatient services to screening for the prevention and assistance of cancer patients, as well as the continuation of the inspections necessary to verify the compliance parameters of the RSA of our region , which have proved to be among the main most critical theaters of covid19 outbreaks ″.

As the M5S regional councilors of Lazio, on the sidelines of the Health Commission yesterday 12 January 2021, they commented on the report given by the regional health councilor, Alessio D'Amato, on the state of the art of the coronavirus emergency.

"At a time like this - declares the M5S regional councilor of Lazio, Loreto Marcelli (in the photo on the right), vice-president in the Health Commission - the whole public health machine really works for Covid-19 patients if it also works for post-Covid patients and, in general, for all citizens, by adopting and first of all by strengthening those measures and tools already put in place, starting with the strengthening of Uscar and Usped, e for example by including other health professionals in the vaccination campaign, such as scientific representatives who, due to their profession and their contacts with doctors, must also be protected as a possible vehicle of contagion, as other Regions such as Basilicata, Calabria are already doing , Piedmont and Friuli Venezia Giulia”.


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