Mourning. Massimo Zaccardi, ISF of Parma has left us

Massimo Zaccardi suddenly passed away at the age of 63. Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Representative, and formerly Janssen-Cilag. Esteemed and appreciated by all ISFs and by doctors who he visited for his sympathy and fairness.

Da alcuni anni era impegnato anche come volontario nell’Assistenza Pubblica di Parma.

Very attached to his family, he leaves behind his wife Mariella and children Michele and Alessandro. And let's not forget her beloved Labrador, Glenn.

The funeral will take place tomorrow, Friday 14 February, at 11 at the Church of Santa Maria della Pace in Piazzale Pablo in Parma.

With deep emotion we send our deepest condolences to the family of dear Massimo

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