WHO approves the Italian proposal on the transparency of drug prices

We report the declaration of the Minister of Health

Today is a historic day: WHO approved our resolution on transparency of the price of medicines with the yes of 194 countries.

A revolution that will open scenarios of greater equity in access to care.

Until now, questioning the criteria of medicine prices has been taboo, but now something has changed. The WHO decision opens a new course in drug price negotiations, establishing a principle of transparency from which there is no turning back.

When we started working on the text of the resolution, very few believed we would go through with it. And many have called us visionaries, dreamers.

But today I say loud and clear that without a dream, without a vision, no change is possible.

The WHOLE WORLD believed in our motion for a resolution which represents a challenge for greater equity in access to care and now the States will undertake to adopt the principles that we have brought forward so that there are no longer any barriers to the right to health.

Finally, new standards for transparency will help every country in negotiating the prices of medicines: from the "basic" ones to the most innovative therapies that only a few can afford today.

The scenario must change, the world is asking for the revolution of transparency so that everyone, even people in difficulty, can have the right to be treated and to give their children a different future.

Giulia Grillo

Il testo approvato dall’OMS

Statement from the Ministry of Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) says "yes" to the Italian resolution on drug price transparency. The World Health Assembly, the legislative body of the WHO meeting these days in Geneva, today adopted the text - the result of several negotiations and rounded off compared to the first version - of the proposal which commits the Member States to sharing information on the prices of medicines, but also on patents and the results of clinical trials.

The final text of the resolution was presented by Italy, Brazil, Egypt, eSwatini (formerly Swaziland), Greece, India, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Portugal, Russia, Andorra, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka and Uganda. This morning, before the vote, four other countries joined: Uruguay, Indonesia, Botswana and Algeria.

The text urges Member States to improve public sharing of information on the actual prices paid by governments and other purchasers for healthcare products and greater transparency on pharmaceutical patents, clinical trial results and other price drivers at every stage of the chain: from the laboratory to the patient's medicine cabinet.

“The goal – explains the WHO in a statement – is to help Member States make more informed decisions in the purchase of health products, negotiate more affordable prices and ultimately expand access to health products for the populations. Guaranteeing access to medicines – concludes the WHO – is the key to advancing universal health coverage”.

Taken from AboutPharma dated May 28, 2019

The differences between the proposed text and the approved text

Un piccolo numero di paesi, tra cui Germania, Svizzera, Stati Uniti e Regno Unito, aveva “chiesto” un testo più flessibile. 

Martedì è stato finalmente raggiunto un consenso, consentendo l’adozione formale della risoluzione da parte degli Stati membri. 

However, the adopted text has been largely mitigated, especially as regards transparency on clinical trials and drug production costs. 

I sostenitori della risoluzione sono riusciti a mantenere nel testo finale il principio di trasparenza dei prezzi, il documento infatti afferma che si invita a “prendere le misure necessarie per condividere pubblicamente informazioni sul prezzo netto”. 

Ma mentre il piano iniziale invitava gli Stati a “esigere la diffusione dei risultati e dei costi degli studi clinici umani”, la risoluzione adottata si limita a chiedere loro di intervenire per “sostenere la diffusione e una migliore disponibilità dei dati risultati e – se sono già pubblichi o forniti volontariamente a disposizione – il costo degli studi clinici”. 

La risoluzione semplicemente chiede agli Stati di “migliorare la comunicazione di informazioni dei fornitori sui prodotti per la salute approvati, ad esempio, i rapporti di reddito, prezzi, di unità vendute, le spese di vendita e sussidi” mentre il progetto iniziale “esigeva di essere rese pubbliche” le informazioni. 

La risoluzione invita inoltre gli Stati a migliorare le “informazioni di notifica pubblica sulla situazione dei brevetti e l’autorizzazione di commercializzazione di prodotti per la salute”, mentre il progetto presentato da Italia chiamava i paesi a “migliorare la trasparenza per quanto riguarda i brevetti.” 

La scorsa settimana, una cinquantina di organizzazioni non governative, tra cui MSF e Médecins du Monde, aveva chiesto l’adozione di una risoluzione “forte”.

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