The pharmaceutical industry is the factory of the sick. Ed

How the pharmaceutical industry creates millions of sick people

“La scienza medica è un’impresa industriale gestita e controllata da produttori
(doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical laboratories) which encourage the diffusion of procedures
d’avanguardia costosi e complicati, e riducono così il malato e i suoi familiari
to the status of docile customers".
Ivan Illych

“Il modello di business dell’industria farmaceutica è basato proprio sull’allargamento della sfera
of diseases: creative marketing serves to expand the customer base,
convincing those who are probably healthy to consider themselves at least moderately ill".
Allen Frances, psychiatrist.

Edoardo Capuano – Sa, 24/09/2016 – ECplanet

Disease marketing is the fine art of selling ailments, an effective way of peddling drugs and tests that bring in huge profits.

This commercialization requires a very precise direction, of the main actors, secondary and many extras. Pharmaceutical companies (directors and producers) must necessarily involve doctors (protagonists) to prescribe the recipes, they must involve researchers (supporting actors) who invent real new disorders, groups of patients and/or families of sick people (extras) who loudly ask for a supplement of therapy, and finally the real patients who ask for these drugs because they are convinced they are sick (unconscious spectators).

The purpose of this work is to reveal the plot and the script of this documentary, seen and experienced every year by hundreds of millions of people... Only if you know exactly how the system works are you able to defend yourself.

People without correct and complete information will all end up, sooner or later, crushed by the infernal machine of pharmaceutical marketing. it's just a matter of time.



1 – Piano conoscitivo

2 – Piano quantitativo

3 – Piano temporale

4 – Piano qualitativo


Related news: In Merano, presentation of "Unusual medicine for non-doctors", a book by Giorgio Dobrilla with a preface by Piero Angela

«Individuals can beat the multinational lobbies»

Disease mongering: how to make us feel "sick"

Ed.: In Italy, information on medicines for doctors and pharmacists is regulated by the Legislative Decree 219/06. The art. 122 says that “l’informazione sui medicinali può essere fornita al medico e al farmacista dagli informatori scientifici”.

The art. 121 of the Decree, however, provides that "advertising to pharmacists of medicines that can be sold on presentation of a medical prescription is limited to the information contained in the summary of the characteristics of the medicine”. No sale!

Still in the art. 122 it is specified that "Gli informatori scientifici devono riferire al servizio scientifico di cui all’articolo 126, on which they depend, ed al responsabile del servizio di farmacovigilanza di cui al comma 4 dell’articolo 130, tutte le informazioni sugli effetti indesiderati dei medicinali, allegando, ove possibile, copia delle schede di segnalazione utilizzate dal medico ai sensi del titolo IX”.

In the art. 126 in fact it is reiterated that “ogni impresa titolare dell’AIC di medicinali deve essere dotata di un scientific service incaricato dell’informazione sui medicinali che immette sul mercato” and check “that scientific whistleblowers at own addictions are in possession of adequate training and comply with the obligations imposed by this decree”.

To the art. 128 it is stated that “In caso di pubblicità irregolare svolta presso gli operatori sanitari, l’AIFA adotta, se del caso, i provvedimenti indicati all’articolo 118, comma 13”.

The body that controls the correctness of the scientific information and that marketing is excluded from the same scientific information is therefore AIFA. But it is so? How many checks have you done? How many were outlawed?

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