Lecce. Memorandum of Understanding AIISF OMCeO. A virtuous example to follow

Il 19/01/2019 presso l’Ordine dei Medici di Lecce si è tenuto l’evento “Informazione Scientifica nel SSN odierno”.
Scopo dell’evento era quello di stilare un protocollo d’intesa per agevolare incontri coi sanitari in virtù dei regolamenti, ostacolando e fare withdraw very restrictive limitations.

After an exposition of the laws, the various critical points in the field of General Medicine, Hospital and Outpatient Specialist Medicine were examined and the improvements that could be made were evaluated.

All’evento era invitata anche “Cittadinanza attiva” ed era presente, come auditore, il presidente del TdM di Lecce, che, dopo aver ascoltato le varie tematiche, hanno modificato il loro giudizio nei nostri confronti, non più come perditempo collusi coi medici ma affidabili partner per la salute dei cittadini, rigranziandoci per l’opportunità dello scambio culturale.

Il presidentedell’Ordine, Donato De Giorgi, ha accolto pienamente le nostre richieste centrate su un’etica professionale più costante e rivolta ad ottenere un appropriatezza terapeutica nel rispetto per il paziente e per una razionalizzazione della spesa pubblica.

For the renewed AIISF section of Lecce, the President, Pasquale Malinconico, and the councilors Arianna Giannotta and Lavinia Margarito spoke about the problems encountered by newbies

L’evento sarà messo sul sito dell’Ordine, pubblicato sulla stampa locale e su “Salento Medico” un periodico che va a tutti medici.
It will now be the task of the entire Board of Directors to sensitize colleagues.

Related news: Regional Regulation of 16 July 2007 for scientific information activities on drugs

Scientific information and the National Health System: the Order of Doctors of Lecce discusses it

Meeting on scientific information in today's NHS. A meeting according to some "epochal" at the foot of which a memorandum of understanding was stipulated, valid on an experimental basis for two years.

Lecce News – 20 gennaio 2019

An operational workshop was held yesterday at the Lecce branch of the Medici Order, entitled "Scientific information in today's NHS". A meeting, for some, even epochal, wanted by dr. Donato De Giorgi, president of the Medical Association of Lecce And by dr. Pasquale Malinconico, Provincial President of the Federation of Italian Associations of Scientific Drug Representatives.

Aimed at general practitioners, hospital doctors, affiliated specialist doctors, CFSMMG doctors and drug sales representatives, the meeting had the aim of overcoming the difficulties of a close, but often difficult, relationship between the medical class and that of the Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives (ISF).

Starting from the regulatory perimeter, illustrated by Dr. Antonio Daniele, the difficulties encountered by the young ISFs were addressed, indicated by doctors Arianna Giannotta and Lavinia Margarito, to then move on to criticality of scientific information with GPs exhibited by Dr. Daniela Fusco GP of Lecce.

Dr. Fabio Musca, head physician of the Geriatrics Department of Copertino, then highlighted those found by the hospital doctor and finally Dr. Angelo Tornese, sports medicine specialist, spoke about the relationship with outpatient specialists. Particular emphasis was given to the point of view of the citizen, presented by Prof. Agata Coppola, exponent of Cittadinanza Attiva. A round table on the topics covered revealed that, despite the relationship between the medical profession and that of the ISF is one of esteem and trust, some crucial points still remain unresolved.

Among these, the difficulties in meeting with hospital doctors, linked above all to the lack of time resulting from the understaffing of the departments, the need for more objective scientific information which does not neglect ancient medicines but always very useful and used, the need for greater adherence by the ISF to a code of ethics and, above all, the importance of mutual respect between the various "actors".

Finally, the importance of activating the Regional Commission on the matter was underlined, existing on paper, but not currently very operational, which should carry out its function of guarantor of the correctness of scientific information and its rules.

At the conclusion of the work, a memorandum of understanding was signed, signed by Dr. Donato De Giorgi and by Dr. Pasquale Malinconico, valid on an experimental basis for two years, containing i highlights of the solutions that emerged from the meeting, which was favorably received by the audience present in the hall.

Related news: Lecce. Omceo conference on the relationship between doctors and scientific information

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