Pharmaceuticals continue to grow. Ed


È positivo il pre-consuntivo 2016 di Farmindustria. La produzione supera i 30 miliardi con una crescita a ottobre (su ottobre 2015) del 5,3% e una media del +2,3% in dieci mesi e gli ordini sono ancora in crescita nell’ultimo bimestre dell’anno per il solido incremento delle vendite all’estero. A fare da traino è l’export, che tocca quota 21,3 miliardi. Nelle esportazioni il comparto farmaceutico è quello che cresce di più nel panorama industriale italiano e anche rispetto alla media europea.

( … articolo integrale su Il Sole 24ORE of 5 January 2017 by Roberto Turno)

Ed.: recently the Supreme Court has ruled that a company can "legitimately" fire an employee to increase profits. Evidently the cassation arrives late: from 2007 to today the Italian pharmaceutical industry has not experienced a crisis (in the period 2010-2013 +73% in exports), has always increased its turnover, and since 2007 the same pharmaceutical industry has fired 15,000 Scientific Representatives only for further increase the already generous profit, in the most absolute and complicit silence of the media, politicians and trade unions. An Italian disgrace!

Related news: Scaccabarozzi (Farmindustria): «Innovative medicines and Apps, a winning combination for the pharmaceutical revolution»

Layoffs for profit, the labor lawyers: "The Cassation ruling gives new tools to dishonest companies"

ISTAT. Production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations +6.3% in October

ISTAT. Industrial production. Pharmaceuticals increase of +5.4% in 2015

ISTAT. Pharmaceutical industrial production -2.3, Export + 20% in 2014

Istat report. The Italian pharmaceutical industry resists the crisis: "First for increased turnover and competitiveness and third for exports and production"

Istat competitiveness report

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