ISF Bergamo, fundraising to support the COVID-19 emergency

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Noi tutti Informatori Scientifici del farmaco di Bergamo e provincia, uniti e solidali con la cittadinanza in piena emergenza Covid-19, abbiamo deciso di donare presidi sanitari ad ATS Bergamo per poter permettere ai medici di visitare e curare in sicurezza i propri assistiti direttamente a domicilio. Le donazioni comprenderanno gel disinfettante, mascherine, camici monouso, saturimetri e bombole d’ossigeno, compatibilmente con la possibilità to find what has been said on the market.

We promptly activated a fundraiser to support the healthcare workers of Bergamo and its province, who with dedication and professionalism are fighting strenuously on the front lines to safeguard everyone, donating medical devices necessary to limit the contagion of Covid19.

Networking with local institutions, in particular ATS Bergamo, the Red Cross and local doctors, helped to understand what might be necessary in the field and consequently provide the necessary material to secure doctors during home visits of patients with important symptoms .

Sono bastate 24 ore per raccogliere circa 4000 €, quota già in parte impegnata per l’acquisto di 9000 flaconcini of disinfectant gel which were delivered to ATS today and which will distribute in the health districts of Bergamo and province.

Being united as a category of professionals in a moment of great emergency in our city and province seemed to us an ethical duty to fulfill as well as the most useful way to show solidarity with all the doctors, nurses, study secretaries, with whom we work close human and professional contact and with whom we share a relationship of mutual esteem and friendship, built over years of collaboration.

We want to be an example of resilience and solidarity and we will do everything in our power to involve as many people as possible and contribute concretely and quickly.

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the fundraising continues, those wishing to participate can refer to the following
Ats Bergamo IBAN: IT94 H030 6911 1001 0000 0300 037
Account in the name of ATS BERGAMO
Reason: coronavirus emergency support

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