Supplements used by 2 out of 3 Italians: doctors ok

The scientific informant it is the main source of information for the doctor. This happens for the 92% for general practitioners and for the 85% for specialists.

di Roberta Camisasca Pubblicato il: 25-03-2014 – © 2015 18/03/2015 – Gli italiani riducono viaggi, vacanze e altri acquisti ma non rinunciano ai prodotti per la salute, soprattutto per quanto riguarda gli integratori alimentari. Emerge dall’indagine GfK Eurisko, realizzata per FederSalus, secondo cui ben 80% degli italiani ha utilizzato almeno un integratore alimentare nell’ultimo anno (+15% dal 2012).

The reasons concern in part tone and reinforcement (38%), while the need for treatment (40%) and prevention (39%) prevail, especially among the over 65s and women. The latter are confirmed as the main consumers (58% of the total), even if the number of men is growing (42%).

The doctor and the pharmacist are confirmed as the reference interlocutors for the consumer, who addresses them in 2 out of 3 cases for advice. Research found that 52% of general practitioners and 33% of specialist physicians routinely recommend supplements.

THE general practitioners tend to recommend supplements especially to solve gastrointestinal, cardiovascular problems (cholesterol and dyslipidemias) and osteoarticular. While for the doctor specialist, the supplements are a valid choice for problems relating to the eyes, the urogenital system and female problems.

It proves crucial the advisory role of the pharmacist, to which the consumer turns especially for colds, hair problems, sleep, tone and energy, vitamins and mineral salts.

The scientific informant it is the main source of information for the doctor. This happens for the 92% for general practitioners and for the 85% for specialists. Internet and information dissemination tools are used by 35% for specialists and 22% for general practitioners.

According to research data NewLine, the market for supplements in pharmacies has developed 2,164.4 million euros in the last year for a total of144.1 million packs sold, comparable in value to that of the over-the-counter drug.

The growth trend is 7.9% in value and 7% in units sold. The surveys record a growth in the supplements sector also in the super and hypermarket channel: the generated turnover value is 146 million euros, for a total of24 million packs sold.


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