Pensions: from 2019 to 67 years
In pensione a 67 anni dal 2019, con 5 mesi di lavoro in più: l’ipotesi del Governo per l’adeguamento del sistema previdenziale alle aspettative di vita. La polemica sul sistema previdenziale italiano non accenna a placarsi, con il Governo nuovamente al lavoro per inasprire l’accesso alla pensione innalzando l’età pensionabile a 67 anni già dal 2019, per adeguarla alle aspettative di vita.
Pensions 2017: calculation, requirements and news.
Pension reform.
Although we are still only talking about advances, the controversies were not long in coming, not even from the companies that would be penalized together with the workers. According to the entrepreneurs, "for workers, working life would be extended even further beyond long-planned expectations, while for companies, a framework of uncertainty would once again be created, with higher costs and the impossibility of proceeding with the necessary job turnover from which the entire Italian economy would benefit”. Not to mention that "legal certainty, especially in the tax field and in the social security sector, is an essential value for those who do business and the continuous reforms as well as poorly written and hastily written provisions do not lay the foundations for being able to make investments" .