Health index. The ranking of the Italian provinces according to the Sole 24ORE

Sul Sole 24 Ore di lunedì 20 maggio il nuovo indice, frutto di un’elaborazione su dati Iqvia, ministero della Salute e Istat. L’indice verrà utilizzato nell’indagine sulla Qualità della vita 2019, quest’anno alla sua trentesima edizione. L’indice è il risultato dell’analisi di 12 indicatori, dal cui confronto è nato l’Indice della salute. Il quotidiano economico ha valutato incidenza delle malattie sul territorio, possibilità di curarle attraverso i farmaci, accesso alle cure e la disponibilità di personale specializzato, dall’infanzia alla vecchiaia, oppure la necessità di spostarsi altrove. La ranking is the result of the average of the scores obtained by the various territories in the individual indicators.

The first three provinces ranked see Bolzano in first place, with 651.6 points, followed by Pescara, 633.7 points and Nuoro with 630, 2 points. In last place are Rovigo, Alessandria and Rieti, with 328.1 points.

Over twenty-three million six hundred thousand pills a day to treat hypertension. These are the volumes of drugs consumed in 2018 by Italians for a chronic disease which, unfortunately, affects the population more and more. To cure it are above all the inhabitants of Terni, Rieti and Ferrara, where the highest per capita consumption is recorded. Healthier, from this point of view, are instead the residents of South Sardinia, Bolzano and Sondrio. To say it are the data extracted by the service company for thehealthcare Iqvia on drug consumption hypertension, diabetes and asthma, used for the 2019 Health Index of the Sole 24 Ore. I dati sono espressi in unità minime frazionabili – cioè compresse, pillole, fiale e così via – acquistate e distribuite nelle seguenti modalità: vendita diretta nelle farmacie territoriali (tramite grossisti e aziende che riforniscono i punti vendita); distribuzione di medicinali rimborsati per conto delle Asl; forniture a ospedali pubblici e privati.

From reading Iqvia's data, one emerges higher incidence of some chronic diseases in the southern provinces. For example, in the case of diabetes, the largest number of drugs per capita is consumed in Agrigento, Messina and Taranto. While Bolzano is last in the standings. Furthermore, according to the Passi epidemiological report of the ISS, the incidence of diabetes is higher in people with a low level of education and with economic difficulties, without forgetting the associated risk factors such as familiarity, lack of physical exercise and being overweight. In the case of hypertension, about which again affects lifestyle, the geographical characterization is instead less evident, being widespread throughout the country.

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The chosen indicators mainly examine three factors: the demographic aspect for each province (which, as we will see, is very decisive in the interpretation of the ranking), the socio-health phenomena and, then, also the levels of access to health services, from these derive the other indicators. So, the observatory of Sole24ore is not a ranking that compares the quality of care provided by healthcare companies. There are other certified tools for evaluating the performance of local health authorities, such as the PreVale study: the regional program for evaluating the outcomes of health interventions.

The demographic factor influences many of the indicators published by the observatory and they are decisive in drawing up the final classification. For example, regarding the mortality rate, the increase in life expectancy and the consumption of medicines for citizens with chronic conditions. In fact, the correlation between the rate of seniority and the consumption of drugs is clear, especially for chronic pathologies. Furthermore, drug consumption itself is not an indicator of the appropriateness or otherwise of the treatments. We omit the considerations on the other parameters considered.

E’ doveroso affermare che non esiste scientificamente una definizione univoca di salute. Secondo l’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità, la salute implica, non solo l’assenza di malattia, ma anche una concomitanza di condizioni legate al benessere globale dell’individuo. Non solo speranza di vita, ma anche anni di vita vissuti in buona salute. Da questo punto di vista, le condizioni sociali ed economiche degli individui e della popolazione sono, in particolare, i più importanti determinanti della salute.

The Sole24ore observatory should be taken for what it is: a useful tool that provides a picture of the provinces by examining the state of health of its citizens and starting from the analysis of some indicators, excluding many others.

Extract from osservazioni dell’ASL Viterbo

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