FIMMG survey on scientific information. Completely unwelcome (88% of the sample) the telephone contact oriented to scientific information on the drug appears

The period of health emergency we are experiencing has also overwhelmed the usual attendance of medical offices by Pharmaceutical Representatives (ISF), depriving the doctor of the opportunity to be updated in this area and producing difficulties and uncertainties.

In the awareness that medical-scientific information on drugs represents a high quality service, carried out by professionals able to combine technical and relational skills, which has always known how to draw attention and interest towards the updated use of these important tools for the profession, on 29 May 2020 the FIMMG National Study Center launched a survey among its members to understand the orientation of doctors regarding a forthcoming restart of medical-scientific information on drugs.


The vast majority of the sample reports that the channel through which they mainly obtained information on drugs was that of the ISF's office access (83%); below are mentioned i conferences (42%), scientific journals/newsletters (42%) and online self-research for information (37%).

The sample reports that he would prefer to maintain, starting from the next few weeks, a traditional modality with access to the ISF with an appointment during the study activity (40%; in particular in the Center and the South, 44%) or at dedicated times of the week (36%); the 25% also identifies as a training possibility the attendance of Seminars via the WEB, access to portals and/or information services offered by the Companies (26%), or to audio-video conference with ISF (25%; in the South this hypothesis is considered by the 36% of the sample).

Equally positive is the response towards the hypothesis of using spaces dedicated to the relationship with a specific GP on platforms managed by General Medicine: the 70% of the sample answers definitely/probably yes, in particularly in the South (79%).

Totally unwelcome (88% of the sample) the information-oriented telephone contact appears drug scienceby an unknown operator of a pharmaceutical company; the doctors interviewed think that it does not respect the professional consideration of those who have so far carried out the ISF activity (80%), that it is not effective from an information point of view (78%), that it has little respect for the professional consideration of the doctor (74%) and that does not even save time for the doctor (68%).

From the survey it emerges clearly how the GP has maintained over time a solid and profitable relationship with the update on medicines through the figure of the ISF.



Related news: Filctem CGIL Farmindustria meeting press release. "ISF great regulatory confusion". Farmindustria: doctors appreciate and are getting used to ISF remotely

The 2016 Fimmg survey: The relationship of trust at the heart of the relationship between GPs and scientific representatives

The Fimmg poll of March 2014


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