Manager Pani's super salary

The online subscribers of "Il Fatto Quotidiano" were able to read an article by Chiara Daina entitled "The super salary of manager Pani".

L’articolo si riferisce ad una vicenda che ha avuto origine nel 2012 quando il prof. Pani ha svolto attività di consulenza presso l’EMA (l’Agenzia europea del Farmaco). Secondo i Revisori dei Conti dell’AIFA ha ottenuto per quella consulenza 767 mila euro superando di 550 mila euro il tetto di 240 mila euro previsto per i manager pubblici.

The State General Accounting Office in two resolutions (of 10/7/2015 and 23/3/2016) declares that the fees included in the budget of the institution "are to be considered borne by the public finance and contribute to forming the annual salary"

Due to the conclusions of the Accounting Department, the Board of Directors of the Agency at the end of April, at the closing of the financial statements, decides to enter the extra sums from the DG in "payables to the Treasury".

After more than three months, the procedure for returning that sum has not yet been started. President Melazzini, in defiance of the Board, in order to know who is responsible for the final decision, would have entrusted himself to the Ministry of Health (which will take over the issue in September), the same one that entrusted Pani with the EMA.

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