Illegal drug gang. Convictions for over 100 years. Involved doctors, pharmacists and informants. The scam discovered by the Nas dates back to 2004. But there are no ISFs

Tablets, pills and preparations suitable for all uses but all strictly illegal. From drugs for the treatment of infertility to anorectic pills, from drug-based medicines to real doping bombs. An endless string of false and dangerous medicines, in one of the many streams of the so-called Pharma connection scandal, which yesterday cost the conviction of 11 people for a total sentence of more than 100 years. These are industry professionals, including doctors, pharmacists and scientific informants, deemed responsible for the scandal brought to light in the now more than distant 2004.

REQUESTS DISAPPLIED. The one issued yesterday by the court of Rome may seem like a heavy verdict, but it was much lighter than one might have imagined considering that on October 1, 2018, during the indictment of the public prosecutor Maria Teresa Gerace, the total request for the defendants had been over 300 years. But the limitation period was decreed by the statute of limitations for some crimes, so much so that some facts were even prior to 2002, and above all the granting of extenuating circumstances by the capital's judicial panel which, alone, resulted in a significant reduction in the sentence equal to 1/3 of the total.

SHOCK AT THE PHARMACY. At the material time, this investigation, carried out by the Nas and which lasted almost two years, had created quite a stir. Not only for its numerical extension, boasting among all the numerous spin-offs a total of almost 180 suspects and 15 thousand false recipes, but above all because it had involved almost all of Italy. Between arrests, seizures and searches, the military intervened in ten regions and in an indefinable number of provinces. So little by little the carabinieri of the anti-sophistication nucleus had brought to light the gigantic round of fake preparations that were packaged inside futuristic clandestine laboratories.

All the vials, pills and preparations were packaged impeccably, complete with labels capable of deceiving even the most experienced customers. But the goodness of the information on the labels, there was much to say. According to the prosecutors, in fact, it was not at all strange to discover that active ingredients were reported on them that were completely different from those actually used in the final product. Not to mention that these were often harmful to the health of those who, unfortunately, found themselves taking them.

La Notizia – 14 luglio 2019 – di Nicola Scuderi

Notizie correlate: ‘Pharma connection’, nuovo blitz arrestati undici medici e farmacisti (…accuse per 4 medici di base con studio nella capitale, due titolari di farmacie romane, il proprietario di un centro estetico del centro storico, dove sono stati effettuati trattamenti dimagranti a base di anfetamine, oltre a quattro agenti di commercio nel settore farmaceutico di Imola, Bologna e Messina…)

Pharma Connection, doctors, pharmacists and ISF on trial, asked for sentences of 300 years

Connection drugs, for "Zutectra" needed "the blessing of the well-known doctor". A chilling story

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