FNOMCeO: "No to Health governed by algorithms"

Immagine correlataA National Health Service depleted of doctors, a Profession emptied of decision-making powers and autonomy, a Healthcare administered by politics and administered by algorithms: this is the picture drawn by the Central Committee, the governing body of the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo), meeting this morning in Salerno.

In reiterating the withdrawal of the Medici representatives from all institutional tables, Fnomceo issued the following note.
“Il Comitato Centrale della Fnomceo, riunito a Salerno in data 20 ottobre 2017, avuta notizia dell’iter parlamentare del DDL Lorenzin sulla riforma degli Ordini e del mancato recepimento dell’allarme emerso dal Consiglio nazionale della Fnomceo per gli emendamenti gravemente lesivi dell’autonomia degli Ordini – e, di conseguenza, della professione – proposti dalla Camera rispetto al testo approvato dal Senato, ribadisce il proprio ritiro da tutti i tavoli istituzionali.

The Central Committee of the Fnomceo can only point out how these regulatory proposals seem consistent with other positions taken by the political world, tending to contrast the role played by doctors in the National Health Service.

Despite repeated reports from Fnomceo, in fact, no intervention has been implemented regarding the progressive depopulation of the profession, which is leading to the downsizing or closure of hospital wards, while the ratio between family doctors and patients in a few years will reach one doctor for every 3,000 patients.

In the meantime there are signs of new proposals in the field of chronicity management, tending to favor predefined Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Pathways (PDTA) rather than individual assistance plans formulated and personalized by the doctor, in a logic of administered medicine built outside the profession.

The Central Committee of Fnomceo deems it necessary to warn citizens about the risks of a near future of health care built structurally without doctors and governed by algorithms".


Ufficio Stampa FNOMCeO – 20/10/2017

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