Filctem. National meeting on employment, development, rights in the pharmaceutical sector

Rome, June 5th 2017

To the regional and territorial general secretaries

To the members of the regional and territorial secretariat with responsibility for pharmaceuticals

Given the succession of scandals involving the NHS and the pharmaceutical sector;

Vista la posizione della segreteria nazionale rispetto all’scientific information activity of the drug and the continuing propensity of companies to contractually outsource activities;

Given the increasingly scarce investments of companies in research in our country;

Vista la potenzialità del settore per sostenere la candidatura del Paese alla sede dell’Ema;

Having said all this, the national meeting of the subjects in the address has been convened to discuss the next initiatives to be put in place in order to safeguard employment, development, rights proportional to the earnings that companies are forfeiting year after year.

La riunione si terrà presso la sala riunioni dell’National Enel Ark, in Rome in Via di Villa Patrizi n. 2/b the day June 14 at 10.30.

The general secretary Emilio Miceli will be present at the meeting.

Vista l’importanza dell’argomento si raccomanda la presenza e la puntualità.

Brotherly greetings.

The National Pharmaceutical Chemical Department

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