Filctem a Fidia farmaceutici. “Fatti assolutamente inaccettabili, in un clima inquisitorio e minaccioso che ha raggiunto oramai livelli non più tollerabili”

After the installation of the Pharmaceutical Italy Sales Director, SLAVE Angel, many absolutely unacceptable facts have taken place in the FIDIA Farmaceutica company, in an inquisitorial and threatening climate that has now reached levels that are no longer tolerable.

His first intervention on a national level took place during the convention held in the company headquarters from 15 to 19 February 2016, in which he intervened heavily against the network of informants, openly arguing that none of those present knew how to act as a scientific informant; this by virtue of the fact that no one was aligned with his personal principles, which he considered fundamental for carrying out the activity; with a pejorative and inquisitive manner he "interrogated" the workers present about the technique, scolding and insulting them, whenever the answers were not "in line" with his expectations. Particular attention was paid to the methods of presenting one's person to the healthcare personnel; obviously, the practice exposed by the workers was almost entirely considered wrong and inadequate; towards female workers, it even investigated the methods of "make-up and hairstyle", concluding with explicitly sexist names.

Arriving, at the conclusion of the meeting, to assert that he could have disposed of their contractual employment relationship and that he could fire all 101 external workers and then re-assume them with a "commission" contract, and to strengthen his authority, having identified the Representative of the RSU Sergio Indiano invited him to tell his colleagues if what he declared was possible, except to silence him in a bad way, given his attempt to articulate a different answer, thus demonstrating to everyone his attitude of total contempt towards the Yes Representation union.

Since then, this attitude has triggered a heated confrontation between the RSU assisted by the undersigned trade union organization and the company, as the commercial division has begun to convey circulars and provisions to the ISFs, aimed at modifying the activity of scientific information, with an attempt to give a markedly commercial imprint, more akin to sellers and/or commercial agents (including, average visits, exhortation to work well beyond working hours, monitoring of pharmacies, visits by medical guards outside working hours, etc. ..).

This situation has led the RSU and the writer to pay the utmost attention to the protection of workers, but at the same time we have favored a dialogue with the Personnel Department, with the aim of finding an adequate mediation that takes into account the company needs, however compatible with the dictates of the CCNL and current legislation; all of this can be seen from the fact that some meeting minutes were signed between the parties, aimed at relaxing relations.

To date, however, we must acknowledge that the effort has been thwarted by a corporate attitude, not compliant with what was agreed, indeed the decisions made by the sales manager were diametrically opposite to what was shared with the personnel function, which was probably also affected by the absence for long periods of the Personnel Manager.

On the other hand, the arrogance of the characters belonging to the commercial management has exceeded all limits, reaching the point of giving a mandate to an investigative agency to tail some workers, with a markedly intimidating and detrimental intent on privacy regulations and which, this attitude removes the climate necessary to guarantee company productivity.

Clearly, this attitude has led to numerous positions taken by the RSU and the union, so much so that the company has decided to implement strongly anti-union attitudes, in particular towards one of the members of the RSU, through disciplinary disputes, artfully constructed, with the aim of heavily hitting the Workers' Representation and Filctem CGIL, now the last bulwark towards a definite corporate metamorphosis.

Notwithstanding the fact that the undersigned organization has protected and will continue to protect the trade union delegates from unjust and false company accusations, we believe it is useful, with a great sense of responsibility towards work, to ask the company to stop a slope that will have serious consequences for it, inaugurating a new season of relationships, based on mutual respect for roles, as strongly envisaged by the pharmaceutical chemical CCNL.

We will not accept that further attitudes based on threats towards workers in disregard of compliance with the rules governing labor relations continue to represent normality in the Fidia company and we will put in place everything in our power, to restore correct conditions of compliance with legal and contractual rules, currently strongly disregarded.

Waiting for a prompt reply, we send kind regards.








Via Piemonte, 32 • 00187 Roma – c.f. 97337120584 – tel 06.46200945-26 fax 06. 4824246


Fidia Farmaceutici SpA was founded in Bologna immediately after the war (1946), to move to Abano Terme (PD) in 1959 and, exactly forty years later, in 1999, it became part of the P&R Group of the Pizzocaro and Rossi families also present in the chemical sector (Olon)

Fidia Pharma Group was born in 2016 from the internationalization process and from the acquisitions of Sooft (ophthalmological area) and Biofarmitalia (new transdermal technologies: plasters, matrices, patches and dynamic devices).

Angelo Schiavo, a past as a referee and police officer, says about himself: "I started from the bottom line, as they say, as a scientific informant, and I consider this aspect of vital importance because only those who see the real problems of patients and doctors up close, in the so-called "health market", can have a real and virtuous vision of how to move, in the centrality of objectives that must always take priority over the needs of the patient. We were at the turn of the 80s and the last decade of the last century and the area that Menarini had entrusted to me was quite vast: Marche, Romagna, Abruzzi. I worked with passion, having important products to affirm, such as an ACE inhibitor in the cardiovascular field and the first PPI, which soon surpassed ranitidine in my area. Dr. Aleotti wanted to call me to the headquarters to entrust me with the coordination of larger areas and with great satisfaction I recall the excellent results obtained for a still extremely active but "forgotten" antibiotic, clarithromycin. In 2006, events outside Science and Medicine risked sinking the very image of a glorious Italian company, Recordati: I therefore accepted the almost impossible mission of rescuing it and I can say with justified pride that the results were there, given that the shares went from a unit value of 4.60 euros when I arrived to 26.70 when I left Recordati, for a shorter but more intense and effective collaboration in Italfarmaco". He has been with Phidias since January 2016


Related news: Angelo Schiavo, general manager of Fidia Farmaceutici, is originally from Cilento: he is considered the Marchionne of the sector

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