Russian Federation. The mobilization blocks the pharmaceutical industry and hospitals

Russia, the mobilization affects doctors, nurses and even HIV positive

Postcards reached doctors and nurses from major state hospitals in Moscow of enlistment. HIV-positive patients were also recruited. While the pharmaceutical industry is asking the government for a deferment for its employees.

Tag43 – 30 September 2022

The mobilization launched by Vladimir Putin does not spare the sick and, of course, doctors, nurses and the pharmaceutical industry. Agora, a human rights organization, has confirmed that conscription cards are also being sent to HIV-positive patients, despite the government officially exempting them as unfit for military service.

Recruitment in the wards of state hospitals is also proceeding. In fact, doctors are subject to mobilization since they have military documents indicating their rank and specialty. Nurses are most often ranked as private soldiers, doctors as lieutenants.

The pharmaceutical industry is asking for a deferment for its employees

The mobilization is throwing thepharmaceutical industry. As reported by the Kommersant, trade associations have asked the government to postpone the recruitment of company employees. Due to the specificity of the production and the high specialization of the workers, the companies are unable to quickly find replacements for those leaving for the front. Not only. The companies also recalled how the continuous operation of the plants is now more fundamental than ever "because it is necessary to supply the necessary drugs not only to regular patients, including the chronically ill, but also to the wounded in the special military operation".

Almost all the doctors of the Rogachev Center and the Kremlin Polyclinic received the postcards 

In Moscow, the first warning letters were delivered to the Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center and to the Presidential Administration Polyclinic, a facility intended for Kremlin officials. Sources inside Rogachev and the Polyclinic confirmed a Meduza that nearly all doctors received the postcard after personnel offices provided lists of eligible employees following a meeting with government officials on Sept. 26. Still no calls to the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center.

Concern for other sectors

As he wrote Kommersant representatives of other sectors, including banks and hi-tech, had also turned to the government to postpone the mobilization without however obtaining any official response.

Other large companies, including those of the coalInstead, they were able to obtain a deferment for their workers thanks to agreements reached with local recruitment offices.

Currently exempted are information workers, telecommunications workers and employees of companies that guarantee the continuity of payments and the stability of the financial market. Even the cinema he made his voice heard. The president of the union of cinematographers of Russia Nikita Mikhalkov, pro-Putin, has asked for a postponement of the mobilization for filmmakers involved in "socially significant projects". You work, specified alla tax, already initiated and financed by the State.

Mobilization, protests and escapes

There mobilization has been running since 21 September. The Ministry of Defense had declared that around 300,000 people would be recalled but a secret paragraph of the decree actually allows summon up to 1 million people. Meanwhile, arrests continue throughout the Federation for street protests and violence against recruiting offices and administrative offices, mentre at least 200 thousand people have managed to flee the country.

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