NATIONAL FEDAIISF: ISF, neologisms and contracts. Letter from President Fabio Carinci

– Egr. Dott. Enrique Hausermann 

President of Assogenerici

– Egr. Dott. Massimo Scaccabarozzi

President Farmindustria

– On.le Beatrice Lorenzin

Minister of Health

– Dear Senator Emilia Grazia DeBiasi

President of the Senate Health Commission




object: Pharmaceutical Representatives, neologisms and contracts.


For some time there has been a return to talk about the role of Pharmaceutical Representatives.

SIAR round table, Aboutpharma conference, Eyeforpharma report.

Tra l’altro, si legge che il mestiere (ISF) non si estingue, ma passerà un processo  di evoluzione o addirittura trasformazione con nuove e più articolate competenze (?!) per fare fronte alle esigenze di interloquire con gli stakeholders.

Charming words.

Ed altrettanto fascino le altre che seguono….drivers, skills, public speaking, kam, ram, problem solving, share of voice.

All fill the mouth with obscure neologisms, strategically written in a non-Italian language, so as to be less understandable, such as to disorient, to make them appear credible and indisputable.

As a source of absolute truths.

A suspicion remains, which we keep inside because it's all ours, without uncertainties.

We are willing, as always, to accept all innovations that are proposed and requested, with only one limitation: we are not available, because it is not necessary, to review the contractual formulas.

These are defined, in fact, by a state law, as are our role and our responsibilities: we are happy to dialogue, interact, but not distort our work, which -commercial- must and cannot have anything.

Se i vari Squinzi volessero andare via dall’Italia saremmo dispiaciuti, ma non posso non rispondere come quaranta anni di “apprendistato” nell’industria farmaceutica a tutti i livelli di responsabilità mi hanno insegnato: siamo tutti utili, nessuno è indispensabile.”

For every entrepreneur who stops doing business, others will propose.

These innovations made of nothing have been talked about for a long time these days and with a contemporaneity, which could also appear strategic, such as to make even SIAR, ABOUTPHARMA, EYEFORPHARMA of recognized seriousness and competence, and always esteemed by us, become suspicious.

The means are the new neologisms, but the end is always the same: a music that we know well.

It's good to understand, once and for all.

Because the times of barbarian invasions are over.


Fabio Carinci

FEDAIISF National President

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