I'm the dr. Antonio Mazzarella, national president of FEDAIISF (Federation of Italian Associations of Scientific Representatives of Drugs and Parapharmaceuticals). My mobile number is 3281848324. I provide it for
I hear news of many scientific informants, drugs and supplements, forced to go out to inform doctors and pharmacists even in the defined yellow or red areas. The thing that irritates a lot is that these orders, mostly verbal, reach the workers in contempt of the emergency directives issued by the central government, in contempt of the regional provisions but also in contempt even just of common sense and respect for people, not only of the workers. I invite the competent authorities to take measures by sanctioning the drug and supplement companies that do not comply with the provisions issued.
Invito i colleghi, tutti, a segnalare le aziende che non rispettano i decreti emanati per affrontare l’emergenza sanitaria in corso.
In qualità di presidente nazionale dell’Associazione di categoria, avverto fin da ora che, in caso di procedimento giuridico nei confronti di qualsiasi azienda del settore sanzionata per non aver rispettato le direttive emergenziali, che FEDAIISF WILL APPEAR AS A CIVIL PART FOR THE COMPENSATION OF THE DAMAGE TO IMAGE FOR THE WHOLE CATEGORY ARISING FROM SUCH WICKED BEHAVIOR.