Favors to doctors in exchange for prescription drugs: the start of the process is postponed

Of Olivia Stevenin06 maggio 2015 – IVG.it

Savona. The start of the proceeding has been postponed, which sees four doctors involved in the corruption investigation on the "Innovative Pharma” (company with offices in Carcare and Pisa) for which the entrepreneurs Moreno Cavazzoli and Gianfranco Pistone had been convicted. This morning, due to a lack of notification, the hearing was postponed to next July.

In judgment are the doctors Amatore Morando, Mauro Panaro, Pietro Caviglia and Gianfranco Barile who, according to the indictment, had received a series of benefits in 2012 from the owners of Innovative Pharma in exchange for a facilitation in the prescription of food supplements marketed by their company. Pistone and Cavazzoli, in a systematic way, would have done a series of favors to Ligurian doctors, from the Savona area, but also from other Regions, to "favor" and "invite" the prescription of the types of parapharmaceuticals produced by their company. Fuel vouchers and paid dinners would have been the most popular "gifts" to convince doctors to prescribe their products (all so-called "white" drugs or parapharmaceuticals, therefore freely salable).

In particular, according to the prosecutor, Caviglia would have benefited from a trip to Sardinia, Panaro and Barile from some fuel vouchers, while Amatore Morando (who is assisted by the lawyers Amedeo Caratti, Massimo Badella and Fausto Mazzitelli) would have received electoral sponsorships while he was a mayoral candidate of Cairo to the administrative offices of 2012.

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