28-day billing: how to get a refund

Confconsumatori is assisting its members in requesting a refund for the "eroded" days: "Without a request, the refund does not arrive".

After latest indications issued last August, Confconsumatori has begun to assist its members in requests for reimbursement relating to the matter of 28-day billing in telephony (here a summary: https://www.confconsumatori.it/bollette-a-28-giorni-arrivano-i-rimborsi/). It is a question of requesting the return of the "eroded" days in the period in which billing changed from the monthly system to the 28-day system, before the obligation to restore the monthly rate.

REFUNDS ARE NOT AUTOMATIC – Despite with the Resolution no. 269/18/CONS the Authority has forced the operators to illegally return the amount corresponding to the days in the bill paid to users in the 28-day billing period of landline telephony offers, including convergent ones (landline + mobile), these do not seem to reimburse users automatically, but only to those who expressly request it.

HOW TO REQUEST A REFUND – For this reason Confconsumatori offers assistance, through its local branches, to consumers who wish to obtain the reimbursement they are due. The request is forwarded first through a complaint and then - if necessary - is perfected through recourse to joint conciliation. Per informazioni occorre rivolgersi agli sportelli Confconsumatori. Per gli iscritti Fedaiisf all’indirizzo sotto indicato.

For information, write to fedaiisf.confconsumatori@gmail.com

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