Farm industry. Ready to offer the necessary medicines to the earthquake victims

Statement by President Scaccabarozzi on the earthquake that affected some regions of central Italy

“On behalf of Farmindustria and associated companies, I express my closeness and solidarity with the populations so dramatically affected by the violent earthquake that affected some regions of central Italy tonight.

Pharmaceutical companies are ready to offer the medicines necessary to respond to immediate health needs in this tragic emergency, naturally under the coordination of the competent authorities who have already started operating in the area promptly and efficiently "

Comunicato Farmindustria – 24/08/2016

Related news: Confindustria ready to guarantee support

Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin visits the areas affected by the earthquake

Medicines for earthquake zones, Aifa and Banco Farmaceutico commitment

Filctem, Femca, UILTEC press release

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