Medicines, in 2017 Ema recommended the placing on the market of 92 new medicines for human use

Rome, 24 January - In 2017, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended 92 medicines for marketing authorisation. Of these, 35 had a new active substance, never before authorized in the European Union. Many of these medicines represent significant improvements in their therapeutic areas. The list of new drugs includes medicines for children, for rare diseases and advanced therapies.

It is the summary of the activity conducted last year by the EMA, made known by the community agency itself, which - recalls a launch of Public Policy – published an overview of its key 2017 recommendations regarding the authorization of new medicines and the monitoring of the safety of medicines.

“Progress in the authorization of medicines – says the Agency – they are essential for public health as they can improve the treatment of diseases”.

Rif Day – 24/01/2018

Related news: EMA. Human medicines highlights 2017

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