Class C drugs, MNLF: this is how the caste convinced the government

“The truth is that when a government listens only to the strongest or their political representatives it inevitably has a distorted view of reality and makes wrong choices. The Renzi government was persuaded to abandon the liberalization project by an impressive series of falsehoods”. This is what the Movimento Nazionale Free Pharmacists denounces, revealing the content of some of Federfarma's statements, from the opening of 3,000 new pharmacies to the increase in the consumption of class C drugs.

04/03/2015  – Help Consumatori

On the opening of 3,000 new pharmacies, which the President of Federfarma is repeating at every turn, the truth is that there should be just over 1,200 new pharmacies (just over 6% of the current pharmacies), but many appeals are pending from the pharmacy owners. "To date, not a single pharmacy has been opened thanks to the decree law of 24 January 2012 n.1 which - recalls the MNLF - represented a stopgap after the political-corporate night blitz aimed precisely at avoiding the liberalization of class C drugs already present in the drafts of the Monti Government”. Historical courses and recurrences of the mingling between some political forces and corporations.

And on the alarm for public health and the increase in consumption of class C drugs, launched by Minister Lorenzin, by pharmacy owners and by some "pseudo" organizations of the elderly, the Free Pharmacists specify that "these are alarms shouted with the sole purpose of defending one's privilege”.

Not to mention that the Medicines Agency did not lift a finger when the MNLF denounced the widespread habit throughout the national territory of delivering precisely those class C drugs without due medical prescription“Where was the Minister, what checks did he do when thousands of graduate employees are forced to break the law every day, on pain of losing their jobs? Isn't this a danger to public health?

In the end, another false statement: small pharmacies will be forced to close in the event of the liberalization of band C. “It's a pity that the accounts don't add up because the average loss for each drug would be around 30/35 euros a day. Can you fail with these figures?

“The truth is that when a government listens only to the strongest or their political representatives it inevitably has a distorted view of reality and makes wrong choices. The country continues to be locked down. Young people suffocated by the corporate weight must suffer the high degree of unemployment without being given the opportunity to react by freely exercising their profession. Always and only the protected categories find representation in power. In the meantime, young professionals and consumers are thankful for having once again been sacrificed on the altar of the worst conservatism that Europe knows”.

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