From 7 to 18 euros for the same menu. The babel of costs in hospitals

The National Authority led by Raffaele Cantone investigates the reasons for the discrepancies on "standard costs". 82 million a year can be saved for food for patients alone

Same latte in the morning, same pasta with sauce for lunch, same pasta in broth in the evening... How is it possible that in the same region the menu can cost 7.10 euros in a hospital and 17.77 in another less than twenty kilometers away in air line? This is what Raffaele Cantone's National Anti-Corruption Authority is trying to understand. It was 24 July 1974 when the Corriere, speaking of the "new proposals for water and gas tariffs" spoke for the first time of a "new method" based on "standard costs". Yet forty-four years have not been enough to reduce the imbalances, sometimes shameful, between this and that administration on the same identical expenses. On local transport, for example, the communist Lucio Libertini raised the issue on 9 December 1982. But the announcement that "agreement has been definitively reached on the standard cost calculation model" (after a negotiation "which involved the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the State-Regions Conference") was made on 22 February . Hurray.

( … continua su CORRIERE DELLA SERA of 3 May 2018)

Note: Per un ricovero ospedaliero la regione spende da 600 a 800 euro a molto di più, a seconda del reparto e dell’ospedale, ovviamente a questa modesta cifra (da albergo e sei stelle) non sono incluse analisi, interventi e altre cose di questo tipo, l’ unica cosa inclusa è il trattamento penoso al quale vieni sottoposto.

However, by dividing the budgeted costs with the number of beds, surprising results can be obtained. The medical care offered to the sick is the same, but the cost is enormously different from one hospital to another. At the Umberto I in Rome, more than 500,000 euros are needed for each bed used, while at the San Matteo in Pavia, 380,000 is enough. For the expense of doctors and nurses (including employees, university and precarious workers) the Giaccone Polyclinic in Palermo bears a cost of 182 thousand euros for each bed against the 130 thousand of the Parma university hospital. 

The only measure that is taken is to ferociously reduce the cost of pharmaceuticals and therapies, thus betraying the very reason for which the NHS exists, no one who thinks of reorganizing services, governance, rebalancing the labor market, rethinking work, co-responsibility of the citizen, invest in technological innovation, etc. And no one raises the problem of the exorbitant weight that the administrative / accounting side has taken on in healthcare companies?

Related news: The Savonese ASL to family doctors: "Too many useless drugs prescribed". Ed

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