“Open Heart and Hands” thanks Fedaiisf Lecce

in this moment of fragility, which our country is experiencing, it fills our hearts to know that there are those like you who continue to look to their neighbor, making the value of solidarity concrete with their offer.

With great efforts and sacrifices in recent months, we have continued with our usual activities, first of all the trips of the Bimbulance, the pediatric ambulance which, since 2012, has transported minors free of charge, with medical personnel on board, to the centers of excellence scattered around throughout the country.

Furthermore, we have significantly strengthened the activities of our Listening Centre, offering shopping vouchers and basic necessities to families in need.

We felt compelled to demonstrate, even in this circumstance, our proximity to the hospital, healthcare personnel and patients, through the donation of personal protective equipment in favor of the 118 Headquarters of Asl Lecce and other departments of the hospital salentino who had reported the shortage.

Very soon, as soon as the evolution of the ongoing epidemiological event allows it, we will also resume that form of hospital volunteering of ward animation, more commonly known as clown therapy, of which we are the forerunners in the province of Lecce, since 2001.

All of this is possible only thanks to those who, like you, continue to trust us, embrace our own goals and, above all, make concrete the values of solidarity and attention to others.

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